Chapter 3

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Were all at Simons house right now sitting in the kitchen at the long table he just exclaimed to all of us that he has a daughter and she has to stay with him. I was scared whet she'll be like. A crazed fan. Doesn't like us at all I don't know. Then we hear someone coming down the stairs, a girl with a beautiful beautiful voice singing my favorite song the scientist by Coldplay under her breath and she was incredible.

She didn't notice us yet but we clearly noticed her. she's so perfect and beautiful and that voice on top of it geez. She's a Victoria secret a
angel from what I gathered, she's wearing a jacket from one of the last shows that the boys and I had previously watched.

I could tell all of the boys are as dumb struck as me that Simon has such a beautiful daughter.

She was standing in the open refrigerator with her back facing us, pulling out a water as she slowly turned around and looked at us . I guess she was scared.

" um hello" she spoke

" hello love " I said with a wink

" Tessa this is one direction, boys this is my daughter Tessa." Simion said while telling her to sit by us.

She picked up her phone and walked by us and sat it the empty chair next to simon after waving and saying hello.

We were talking for a good 5 minutes about just about anything until her phone went off.

After she still her phone she stood up and ran out of the house. Without saying a word we are all confused so we stood up and followed her. not in a creepy way of course we just wanted to see what she was running off to.
A group of boys. An attractive group of boys, I couldn't help myself from feeling jealous as we stood there watching from the huge front window. and I couldn't help but wonder how she knew all these people even though she just moved here.

I got a bit jealous and I could tell the other boys besides me were too because the all tensed up.

She looked back smiling and told simon on she'll be back later. Without telling any of us where she was going. As she got closer I realized a boy with brown hair and brown eyes put his hand on her back leading her into the car.

Now i'm definitely jealous.
I can't believe it this is literally one of the best days of my life. I've been moping and grieving and struggling on the loss of my mother. But seeing these boys in person remind me so much of home and so much of her because they loved every single one of them. I feel bad not telling Simon for the rest of the one direction boys why I just met for five minutes where I was going but I was just too excited to catch up with Cameron, Nash, Hayes and Shawn. I have no idea how they found where I lived but I'm sure they found out from my Aunt Kris. 

Immediately after leaving Simmons house we got into the car and I couldn't help but scream "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE" I could literally cry I'm so happy.

" you really thought we wouldn't come visit you while were in the UK anyway for tour?!" Cameron said I just laughterd and shook my head no and they all laughed.
we talked for about 20 minutes until we reached a fast food restaurant, making me realize I haven't eaten all day. Not uncommon of me....

"how you feeling " Hayes asked me "Sorry if you don't mid me asking" he said again I guess making sure it was OK to ask as I had a puzzled face on.

" its f-fine I'm a bit better now, I just miss her a lot. " I answered sadly looking at the ground until Cameron and Nash pulled me into a hug because I was sitting in between them. In the the booth.
they distracted me the rest of lunch but now I'm stuck in my head. Even though it was so good to see them I just wish they hadn't brought it up. i'm really struggling a lot there's so much going on.
I don't know if they noticed my change in mood but I had asked them to drop me off back home as soon as we were done. I said my goodbyes walked right into the house and straight to my room ignoring the stairs from the one direction boys.

we are at the front door open all of our heads turned and of course the beautiful Tessa walks right in, but this time she looks sad. But still beautiful. I want to get to know her but all the other boys feel the same way. I'm least attractive out of these boys, as people on the internet like to tell me, so there's no chance she would even pick me over one of the lads. I'm just gonna give up trying. But i do want to try and help her. She looks like she's in so much pain. And sad i want to see her smile. She's so beautiful she deserves to smile.

A few hours later and still no sign of Tessa she's been upstairs hiding almost while the boys and I went into Simons music room. I can't stop thinking about her, is she okay?
But as the night went on, the lads and I went on youtube and watched all the music videos and most tutorials of her until we were interrupted by someone saying  "I see you know who I am and what I do now" we turned around to see sad looking Tessa, staring right at us.

" yea we do babe " Harry replied winking

She just wrinkled her nose im disgustet.
That action gave me the slightest bit of hope, maybe I could have a chance.

<Tessa's POV >

4 hours later

"Tessa want anything to eat" my dad called from downstairs.

No one knows but I've been anorexic/ bulimuic for about 3 years I cut because i felt no one was there for me at my worst times since i had an abusive boyfriend thay i was dating for almost two years. TWO YEARS OF TORTURE.

A simple NO I replied and no one questioned it.
I get nervous eating in front of people, especially new people. Although I seem very energetic and very friendly and open to meeting with one direction boys, the idea of you sitting downstairs eating with them makes me so nervous. The only reason I was so willingly to go out to lunch with the Madcon boys was because those boys are the reason that I'm still here today. they help me get out of my depressing relationship with my toxic ex and they know about all of my deepest darkest secrets besides my eating disorder.

no one knew about that besides my mom, when she found me one night passed out beside the toilet with throw up in it. I couldn't just make up a lie she would see right through me. And she had scheduled me to see kelp as soon as possible. But then she passed. and Innoway it makes me feel bad that I never got The chance to get the help I need for her sake, but now I'm stuck I don't know what to do. I can't fight the mental block I have in my head, for wanting to be perfect and wanting to be the person that everyone looked up to. But I also just want to be healthy, that's all my mom would want.

but anyways, I One downstairs to see what was going on anyways. I noticed one direction boys have been watching videos of mine and they kind of creeped me out a little. 
so naturally I said some thing, they seemed nervous but not the curly haired one, Harry I believe his name is. He is very attractive, and I mean very attractive. But I am physically mentally and emotionally don't think I can ever do a relationship again. So I'm just gonna push everything away. after a short conversation about them stalking me, we all went back upstairs into the kitchen so that everyone could eat.  they all looked at me when I didn't grab a plate, I just said I was still full from lunch. Making up an excuse, I grabbed some water and one cup and some ice chips in another. I thought to myself this is my dinner. I'm still really upset about my mom and I was trying to not think about it as much but ever since he's brought it up I can't help but think about it now.

So much has changed for me, and everything is happening so fast. I want to continue on YouTube but I know that video is out for the world to see of me finding out about my mom when I was live streaming. I feel so guilty because she needed me and what was I doing, sitting at my phone. I don't know what to do I really don't. I just feel so guilty. And now I'm across the world with a dad that I never knew I had, and non the less he happens to be Simon Crowell. it makes me wonder why my mom never told me about him but at the same time I don't blame her. i'm really struggling trying to find a good relationship with this man that I don't know at all, I just wish I was back in LA but I also don't need to be reminded of my mom all the time because every single thing about LA reminds me of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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