Let's Save Caldera! Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Zurtron wants you." She pointed her blue finger at me.

For some reason that sent fear in me.

"Me? Why?" I asked her, suspiciously.

I stepped forward, a few feet.

She just smiled, "Save the questions for later, princess."

I growled, "Tell me!"

"Veronica." Ryan whispered to me, "Calm."

I shut eyes for a brief moment and breathed out.

"Fine, I'll stay quiet." I lied to her, remaining calm. Like I would actually stay quiet, have you met me?

"Finally." She mumbled.

I mentally groaned but sent her a fake smile.

"Now, let's go."  She motioned for me to come.

"Have you forgotten, this cell disables my powers?" I reminded her, crossing my arms.

"Shut up, princess." She snarled.

I marched up to the front of the cell, "I'll shut up when I want to shut up!"

"Veronica.." Hearing Ryan's voice, changed my behavior and I breathed out, calmly.

"Alright, I will actually shut up." I sighed, annoyed.

"Now.." Zelda snapped her fingers and I got teleported out of the cell.

Zelda quickly grabbed something off the wall and locked them on my wrist.
They looked like blue handcuffs.

They probably disable my powers.

"So you don't have the urge to attack us at any point. Like the cell, these disable your powers." Zelda informed, placing the key back on the wall.

"I figured that out." I snarled at her.

She kicked my leg, and I groaned in pain. I bent down and held on to my leg. That brought extreme pain to my leg.

I deserved that one.

"Hey! What was that for!" Ryan exclaimed at her, angered.

"For being an annoying brat!" Zelda snapped at Ryan. "Now, let's go before, I kill you."

She forcefully pulled me up and gripped my arms tightly. Her fingernails were digging into my skin.

I made eye contact with Ryan for a split second and he looked like he could kill anyone who came in his way.

As she dragged me away, Ryan called out.

"I'll save you, Veronica. I will!

I gave him one last look before he was out of my sight.

Sudden I felt myself disappear and then reappear in a different area.

It looked like a purple and black castle. The atmosphere felt colder and denser.

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