Chapter 10

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Nukuwai belongs to AnnaNavarroM

Maui bashed his way out of the cave, finally reaching the cave's exit. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was already beginning to go down. With a swing of his hook, Maui shapeshifted into hawk form and flew off towards the crater where the temple once stood. As he arrived, he spotted a monument of Kuahana erected in the center of the crater. Maui's sorrow turned into fiery rage upon seeing the idol. Maui descended towards the crater, landing on the ground and shapeshifting to human form. Kuahana had transformed the temple'sonce lush and beautiful garden into a sodden and gloomy construction site. Monks were tied to chains, slaving away as they carried heavy rectangular blocks of cement used to build statues of Kuahana. Disgust was the only emotion Maui felt as he looked around. He felt hatred welling in his heart. This was outrageous, even for Kuahana. The monks turned their heads to Maui, their weary faces lighting up with hope. The Demigod furrowed his brow further, storming towards a open-roofed throne room. Kuahana sat on the throne with a smug grin on his face.

"Maui! What a surprise. I thought you'd be dead by now." Kuahana said. Maui leaped at Kuahana, screaming in rage as he swung his hook towards Kuahana. Kuahana simply grabbed Maui by the foot and smashed him on the ground. With a effortless toss, Kuahana threw Maui into a pillar, smashing the column entirely. Maui rose to his feet, grabbing his hook. Suddenly, multitudes of growls and snarls clouded Maui's ears, forcing him to turn around. A group of giant monsters ranging from a giant squid/tiger hybrid to a giant over-developed lizard monster stood before the Demigod.

"Monsters?! You went to Lalotai, didn't you?" Maui demanded.

"Yes, I did. I need them to aid me in wiping out the human race. You mortals are taking up too much space and its high time I take care of that." Kuahana replied. Maui immediately recognized one of the monsters. It was a personal enemy of his.

"Really?! Nukuwai's here too?" Maui demanded.

"Guilty as charged." Nukuwai hissed. At the beckon of Kuahana, all of the monsters pinned Maui to the ground, keeping him from breaking free. Kuahana laughed evilly as he kneeled down towards Maui's face.

"It feels weird, doesn't it? Losing to your greatest enemies." Kuahana said, grabbing his staff.

"It's time to end our little game, Demigod. I'd let you watch as I destroy these worthless mortals but you'd just ruin my fun. Good riddance." Kuahana stated. His staff began glowing red, sparkling with dark energy. Kuahana fired a massive beam of red magic at Maui, sending the Demigod underground.... And straight into Lot'Ka, the Realm of The Dead. Maui screamed as he plummeted towards the dead ground, smashing onto a giant shrub. Maui sat up, looking around at his new surroundings. Ghouls and other spirits swirled around a pillar above him, groaning with eternal agony. Maui looked around for a exit, panicking as he couldn't find any escape routes. Maui felt his world crumble as he realized he was helpless to do anything. Sitting down, Maui curled up in between two huge rocks. He felt like he was trapped in a inescapable prism.

"..... Maui." A soft, feminine voice soothly called out. Maui slowly lifted his head at the voice and turned to the left, seeing Akari's spirit standing next to him. She had a beautiful light-blue aura surrounding her, giving her the appearance of an angel. Maui's eyes widened as he slowly got up.

"A-Akari...?" Maui asked. Akari smiled warmly, nodding her head. Maui ran to the spirit, excitedly embracing her in his arms. All the emotions he's been holding in finally exploded out of him like a explosion. Maui broke down, sobbing loudly as he held Akari close to him. Akari returned the embrace, rubbing the Demigod's back as if he was still an infant.

"Maui, you've no idea how much I missed you..." Akari said.

"Same here..." Maui replied while choking back more sobs. The two finally let go after a while, looking at each other warmly. Maui's smile faltered as he thought about everything that had happened.

"I... I suck at being a Demigod..." Maui said, sitting down.

"Why would you say a thing like that?" Akari asked.

"I ran away when I should have fought. Now everyone got turned into slaves for Kuahana. And you know what? I still can't even figure out what my identity is!" Maui said, hanging his head low.

"What do you mean you 'failed'? You haven't failed anything." Akari stated.

"Didn't you hear me? Everyone back home are chained up and forced to build shrines and statues of Kuahana. How is that not failing? Look at me. I'm the supposed greatest hero the islands have seen, and I couldn't even stop that demon from unleashing all the monsters on the villages. Some hero I am." Maui argued, flopping on the ground.

"Maui, do you really believe in order to be someone of great importance, like heroes, you have to have ginormous muscles, good looks, and super powers? No. You don't require your strength, powers, or even your hook to be Maui." Akari said, placing Maui's hook in his hands.

"You need the courage to stand up for others. You can't call yourself a hero if you don't rise above yourself and place the needs of others before your needs." Akari stated. Mini-Maui nodded his head in agreement.

"You are more than some beefy Demigod who is worshipped for his looks and strength. Tangaloa chose you and you alone because she saw through you. She saw you were worthy to be rescued. You have the courage to fight for others weaker than yourself."  Akari continued, kneeling down to Maui's face. Maui lifted his head, looking at the spiritual priestess.

"It doesn't matter what you have on the outside. What matters is what's on the inside." Akari lifted Maui's chin with her index finger, earning a feint smile from the Demigod.

"So who are you?" Akari asked. Maui stood up, giving her a confident look.

"I am Maui, Demigod of the Wind and Sea... and the protector of man." Maui proclaimed. Akari smiled as she nodded.

"You still have a job to do." Akari stated.

"There's no way out of Lot'Ka, Akari." Maui said. He noticed a weak spot in the ceiling.

".... Or is there?" Maui asked. With a yell, Maui threw his hook at the weak point, shattering the rocks and creating an opening big enough for him to pass through. Catching the hook in his hand, Maui turned to Akari.

"Thank you, Akari." Maui said. Akari smiled as she disappeared from sight. With confidence restored, Maui shapeshifted into hawk form and flew out of the makeshift exit, heading straight for the surface.

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