"Look, I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. It was uncalled for and I shouldn't have made you choose like that. I just... I don't want you to go through the shit I've been through for trusting people too easily."

Sehun's eyes softened and he stepped closer to his best friend, "I won't. And even if I do, I'll take responsibility for it. But I trust Kai. He... He's the nicest guy I've ever met and I don't want to lose him."

Sehun was so obviously falling for Kai, it was almost painful to watch. What was worse was that the guy already had a girlfriend. And there was nothing worse then falling for a straight person when you're gay. She knew this wouldn't end in any other way but heartbreak. That was why she was going to make one last attempt at changing his mind.

"I told you about the many fake friends I had. How they'd be all nice to my face and talk shit behind my back. How they made fun of me because I looked like a guy and used me because I was too stupid to realize it. I was desparate for friends so I took all their shit. And every single time, I was betrayed. Abandoned. And those so-called friends didn't even bother talking to me again. Until it eventually came to a point where I was like, to hell with this whole friendship thing. I don't need people who're just gonna use me then throw me away when it isn't fun any more."

"Amber, I know. But... Kai's different."

"Maybe so," she said, "But you like him. And don't even try to deny it."

He huffed, "I don't-"

"Stop lying to yourself. He has a girlfriend. You're only gonna end up getting hurt."

He clenched his fists, staring down at the ground, "I don't even know what I feel."

"That's how it always starts. Sehun... Look, there's something I never told you," she sighed, "You know Victoria? We were friends, back in middle school."

"Victoria? Seriously?"

"Yeah. She was always really nice to me. Kind, genuine. She never used me. At least it never felt like it. I also thought she wasn't like the others, just like you are right now. But guess what? I was wrong. And out of everyone that'd abandoned me, she hurt me the most."

Sehun stared at her, wide-eyed. He was genuinely surprised to hear that Amber and Victoria had been friends. "What happened?"

"I started falling for her," she responded, a distant look in her eyes, "I didn't tell her, and I don't know if she figured it out herself but out of nowhere, she just started ignoring me completely. She didn't even look in my direction or come within a ten foot radius of me. Avoided me like the plague. She didn't answer my calls or texts. And let me tell you... There's nothing worse than having someone you love treat you like you don't exist. She could yell at me, scream at me and that would have been better than being ghosted like that. I don't want you to go through what I've been through, Sehun. Especially because Kai has a girlfriend."

He had that look of pity in his eyes when he stepped forward and hugged her, "I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"I'm sorry too," she hugged him back, before smacking his head, "That's for kicking me out of your house."

"You deserved it," he grumbled, but smiled nonetheless. He couldn't hate Amber no matter what she did. She was still his best friend. "But Kai is still my friend. And you're right. I... Do like him. But if I stopped talking to him, I'd be hurting him the same way Victoria hurt you."

She scoffed, "He'll get over it."

"Don't be so cruel."

"Fine, but never let it be said I didn't warn you."

The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ