Chapter 58: Home Early

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I tell my friends to leave without me. I'll do it this time. I will finish a proper conversation with Yoru. I promised Ms. Kougeki I would, and I keep my promises.

"What do you mean you don't have any? Did you come late for school and miss it? I'm sure the teachers can--"

"No, really. I don't have any. I'm the first." She looked at the ceiling.

"What is that supposed to mean? The first what?"

"What do you think? The first Yoru." 

"Oh! Inheritance is something passed down, so if there were no Yorus before you to pass anything down... then you have nothing! I get it!" I smiled, but her expression darkened.

"That was blunt. Yeah, I've got nothing, why do you care?" She snapped.

"Oops, that came out wrong. Sorry." I just realized how bad that sounded. "But it's still cool to be the first, right? You'll probably be remembered in history, and if you're the first one, your powers will get passed down, right?"

"Guess so." 

"And one more thing! That necklace... " I point it's black gem hanging off her neck.

"What about it?" She tugged on the gemstone.

"I dunno... where'd you get it?" 

"It's my enchanted item." She looked down at it.

"Really? Mine is my ring." I showed it to her. "It used to be a poster but... wait. That's your enchanted item?" Aren't enchanted items supposed to lower your number and make you happier? Why does that necklace of hers make me so uncomfortable?

"Oh. Can I... see it?" I reach for it.

"Sure. You can see it, but no touching." She slapped my hand away. 

"Aww, hey! That hurt! You don't know your own strength." I rubbed my throbbing hand. Throbbing. Wait... I'm talking to Yoru like she's a good pal!! That's not safe! I forgot how dangerous she can be!

"Good talk, see ya." She said sarcastically, and passed the school gates.

"Wait! Yoru!" I called. She paused. I wouldn't go so far as to say she was nice to me, (she did hurt my hand) but she wasn't as harsh as I thought she would be.

"This may sound weird, but you actually talked to me for once. You usually just kind of ignore everything. So, um... why?" I tried to go after her.

"That's a stupid question." She paused again. "But it's because you remind me of someone." She walked away. I ran after her but she was gone. That's weird. I remind her of someone, huh? My hand hurts, but I think it was worth it. I'm sure that I've gotten at least one step closer to Yoru than I was before, and that's progress! I have shadow perception so I might as well use it for a good cause. I will bring these numbers down!

The sky is still bright. Time to head home. I found my way back onto the winding path, and then to my new house.

"Stacey? You're home early." I heard my mother call. 

"Hi mom! Oh.... I'm early because.... uh.... well, you're almost never home early either. What's the occasion?" I quickly try to change the topic. Mom looks way to preoccupied to care anyways. I see 5%. A different kind of percent, though. I suppose it's because I've never used my inheritance on a human before. A human percent feels... lighter somehow.

"I took the afternoon off to make this!" She thrust a cook book into my face. In it, I saw a picture of a delicious looking stew. 

"Dad usually does the cooking, why don't you ask him to make it?" I asked her.

"I can't leave everything to your father now can I? I want to surprise him when he comes home today.  It'll be so great! Good thing you got home early, I might need you to go pick some more ingredients up later. Now where does your father keep the pots again?" Mom went back to skimming through the recipe.

"Okay then. Good luck with that." I skip up to my room and open a window. The breeze feels so nice today. Wait, this is no time to be relaxing! I have to get working! My project thing is due on Monday, and I have to train... I could go back to the training grounds, but nah. I can use my magic here.

I flop down onto my bed and start. I know I can lift items well enough, but how about if I try an--

OWWWWWCHIE! I tripped on a book. My room is already a mess.... and that gives me an idea! 

I push some of the mess away and form a nice clear space in the middle of my room. I play some music on my laptop, and turn it up so that the sound flows all through my room. And a one and a two and a one, two, three, four.

Step, step, three and four. I spin around and dance to the music. It always helps me focus. 

"Come on, every book! Let's all line up, and one two three four. All together now!" I let my imagination free. I can see it and it happens. The books lift off the floor, line up neatly and follow me. They hop over onto the bookshelf, all to the rhythm. I feel like a fairy in a Disney movie! I have some fun with my chore, but I don't think this will be enough to get a good grade on Monday. Let's push the limit!

I point to my bed and the covers fold themselves. My hand gestures help with visualizing everything. While I'm making the bed, I flick my wrist and swing open the closet. Pull out the duster, dust dust dust! There isn't much dust since I've barely been here for a week, so I move onto the next step. Soon enough, I'm doing four things at the same time, without moving from my little dancing circle. One two three four one two three. Once or twice I messed up and dropped something, but it's alright. Practice makes perfect, and I think I can do this. 

In no time at all, my room was tidy, my manga and clothes were reorganized, I dusted everything, the bed was made, and everything was perfect. I took some extra time to dance around a little more before I turned the music off. Once I stopped dancing, I realized how hard I was panting. I'm exhausted. I wasn't dancing that hard, so it was probably because I used my magic too much. I have to get used to that. Two seconds later, I fell asleep on my neat little bed.

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