I move creep forward, taking in every detail of the plant. Dangling from the thin leaves, tiny, glowing berries hang. Tiny hairs cover the shimmering stalk. I squint. They aren't hairs, they're thorns. Hundreds of thousands of tiny thorns that look like they would tear from the vine easily if touched and weasel their way into the intruders skin no matter how tough. All the ivy on the wall seems to grow away from this vine, giving it a concrete path no matter how it twists and turns.

"What's missing?" I ask, turning around to face Jenny and the Madame.

"There were two at one time," explains Madame Vastra. She steps forward, and moves some brush out of the way to reveal a second concrete path with nothing running along the center. "We accumulated these from a well known murderer commonly known as Jack the Ripper."

There isn't much in my mouth to gag on, which is why I consider it a feat that I manage to choke anyway when she says this.

"I did an oral report on him last year," I say. "We had to choose a person of interest from one of the cities we had studied."

That year in Worldwide History was one of the best I've ever been through. That mostly had to do with the people, but the academic portion was rather enjoyable as well, surprisingly. Usually history is my worst subject, but that year I got an A- for it on my end of the year report card.

"We don't know how he got a hold of them, or what exactly they were used for," Madame Vastra says. "But the chemical compounds suggest a state of parlays or dream stasis. These are some of the most deadly weapons London has ever seen. Do you understand?"

I nod, still, entranced by the tiny, withered red berries and the shine of light on the leaves as though they may or may not be organic.

"And they're not to be played with," she orders. I nod again.

"And don't try to touch it, ever. It's too dangerous," Jenny contributes. "You are not to come down here without the company of me or the Madame. Kapeesh?"

I glance back at them. The tones of distrust have risen above normal.

"Guys. I'm not going to touch something covered in billions of needle thorn things. I'm not that stupid."

They are silent for a moment, like they've never heard this form of speech before. I sounded a lot like the kids from my school just there, and I don't like it. The stress must be getting to me. Trying to recollect myself, I breathe in and out twice.

"I mean, what does the thing that got stolen do?"

"We don't know," Vastra explains. "Those thorns infiltrate the thickest glove and find their way to your skin. They tear through muscle and bone and out the other side like nothing."

"So, you never asked The Doctor?" I ask as we begin to walk back towards the elevator.

"He's not been around much," Jenny says hesitantly.

"Why not?"

Again, silence. I push a branch out of my way, and it sounds like a whole forest swaying in the soundless air.

"All right, I give up. What do you want me to do about it?"

"Is there a way for you to contact The Doctor?" Vastra asks. I rub my forehead.

"If there was a way I could contact The Doctor," I breathe, keeping myself from flying off the handle with some difficulty, "he would be here by now."

Jenny interrupts the ensuing quiet. "Perhaps you could help us begin the investigation, tomorrow."

"Yes," Vastra says. I can tell they are not telling me something, but I can't say I care. The elevator door opens, and we step out into the fresh, chilly air. The house is dark now, and I yawn. "Jenny, would you take our guest to her room?"

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