“Come on, Baby.”

My hand was grasped in his, leading me over to the exit. I admired the span of his palm as Harry pressed it to the glass, holding it open for me to exit. He received my quiet “thank you” as I ducked under his arm.

I inhaled a deep breath, absorbing the smell of rain on the tarmac. It was one of my favourite aromas, that and the smell of Harry. I had watched out the window earlier on in the day as the sky had opened, soaking everything that wasn’t sheltered. But the weather had cleared up in the last couple of hours, still gloomy but no longer raining.

“Your boot is untied.” Harry commented casually glancing at my DMs. “You’ll fall over.”


I began to bend down but a warm hand ceased my movement.

“I’ve got it.”

A shy smile spread over my mouth as Harry got to his knees before me. His adorable expression tugged at my heart as he peered up. He looked almost innocent, full, pink lips parted, wide eyes. Lashes fluttered as I gently brushed away some loose ringlets that had escaped his hat, my fingers trailing over his cheek before he bowed his head, working on the task of tying my lace. Harry roughly hummed as I absentmindedly played with the small curls as the nape of his neck, the action comforting both of us.

The sound of the heavy shop door distracted me, glancing around just in time to see it close, but there was no-one in sight. My lips pursed, scanning the car park, spotting the man whose presence hadn’t gone unnoticed by me in the store where I worked. My breath hitched, mouth becoming dry as his head turned slightly, giving me the glancing opportunity to place his features in my mind. Seconds later he disappeared around the corner.


My head darted down, expecting to see Harry still crouched on the floor but he had now risen to his feet, my boots laced.

“Bo, I asked if you were alright?” He frowned.

“I-I..yes, I’m fine.” I stuttered. “Thanks.”

He looked unconvinced but proceeded to led me to his car anyway. I felt safe with Harry. My hand clasped in his warm one, he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me. The passenger door was held open, Harry’s presence lingering as he waited for me to climb up. I hadn’t noticed my staring until he called me out.

“What?” He smirked.

A large hand still held the frame of the vehicle door, muscles taut under the dark plaid shirt he wore. The clothing was unbuttoned to reveal a white t shirt, the hem slightly covering the black belt to his jeans. As I absorbed the image in front of me, Harry’s lips were spreading into a grin. I loved his curly hair, the spirals giving him a younger appearance until you were graced with the sight of his muscled physique. The indents in his cheeks should have majorly contrasted, but somehow Harry managed to pull the look off, adorably cute, mixed with undeniably sexy.

“You look really cute.” I smiled.

I found it difficult to comprehend how he managed to look so effortlessly attractive.

“Cute?” Harry laughed.

“I think it’s your beanie and your dimples…you’re adorable.”

My fingers fiddled with a small curl that had escaped from under his hat.

“Bo, I’m not supposed to be adorable, I’m a guy.”

I watched on as Harry playfully flexed his muscles.

“Well, I think you are.”

His touch slipped from the door, slamming it closed. The abrupt action made me jump. My vision floated back to Harry, his smirk making an appearance once more. The look in his eyes reminded me of a predator stalking its prey, slowly inching in for the kill. I let out a rather girly squeak as my head was nudged to the side with Harry’s, promising words seeking out my ear.

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