I want this book to be over

29 6 2

Don't ask
I really don't have art except the partially lined version of the timelapse thing

WhyIdkDon't askI really don't have art except the partially lined version of the timelapse thing

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The characters in it are (from left to right)

Akila (shoulder sweater), Tombstone (awkward face), Grennan (ridiculous hair), Caligula (that one kneeling, Marco but different character), Raven (starry-eyed), Meelee (above her), Dante (above Tomb), Hellsing (next to Dante), Hiro (the drinking one), Tyson (that buff one), Hayley (super short one), Anthony (glasses, blind), tiny Leopold, Kagami (old hag who's actually 23), Darrel (not so old hag), Jerry (stereotypical donut cop), Zenorith (crazy one above him), Dandi (husky glove hat), Dorama (that Grim reaper guy), Lady Surjik (hood), Dunstan (old guy who's less of a hag than Kagami), Milo (barely visible one wig big eyes), Nishi (horned one at the top), Espen (other one at the top), and finally Satan (that ram dragon guy)

I did that to waste your time

And by the way, I've actually changed two characters in my comic since they belong to people I'm not friends with anymore and they piss me off so

Avaron has turns into Akila, a calm and collected but sometimes sassy and hot headed woman

And Marco has become Caligula, the defensive rogue one who (yes) is still shipped with Grennan
Less abusive
Still tsundere
Just not too abusive

That happened
I want to draw Captain damnit my mascooooot


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