The vibrating of his phone distracted Trey from his thoughts, and once he saw that it was the detective working on the case, he immediately answered it.

"Hello?" He tried to be as quiet as possible because even if Demi could sleep through a robbery and a break in, he didn't want to take his chances.

"Good morning, Mr. Neverson. I know it's a little early but I'm just letting you know that we had a breakthrough in the case. We found the trespasser last night and brought him in for questioning. The entire situation is a bit disturbing so I don't know if you want to bring Ms. Lovato in to hear everything but if you guys would like to come in at around 10, we can explain everything to you and talk about pressing charges," Detective Morrison explained.

Trey felt Demi shift in his arms, the skin between her eyebrows scrunching up as she released a broken whimper and fisted his shirt in her fingers.

"I'll talk to her about it but I'll be coming in. Thanks for all of your help. See you in a few."

The detective said his goodbyes so Trey hung up. When he set his phone down, he saw that Demi had opened her eyes and was blankly staring at him. For the past two weeks, she had been so hollow, and it was the scariest thing because Demi was a very emotional person. She felt everything. But ever since that night she had just been empty and blank. He didn't know if him just being there for her was even helping her get better and move on, but he really had no idea what else he was supposed to do. Was he supposed to force her to go back to living her life before everything happened? Or was he doing the right thing by allowing her to just hide away and not face the world? He didn't know because she was barely speaking to him.

"Who was that?" She questioned in a hoarse voice, making him want to hug her to his chest and never let her go.

"Detective Morrison. They found the guy that did it and they said we could come in if we want but I don't know if- "

"I'll go," she cut him off, tucking the pieces of her hair that had escaped her messy bun behind her ear.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll start getting ready," she said, turning away from him and rolling off of the bed before going into his closet.

Trey went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and everything but he had to take a deep breath to keep himself from lashing out. His girlfriend was traumatized. Now probably wouldn't be the best time to yell at her because she had left the toothpaste on his counter without the cap on, and her towel was lazily thrown on his floor. Nope. He wasn't gonna yell at her. She wasn't comfortable in her own house so it was his job to make sure she was comfortable in his.

Detective Morrison looked a bit too much like Charlie from the Twilight series. His moustache was thick and bushy. His hair never looked like it was brushed. And he towered over Trey and Demi. But, the sergeant assured them that he was the best in the department and considering the fact that he found the guy in two weeks, Trey was pretty impressed.

Detective Morrison brought them into his office and closed the door behind them, something about employees leaking reports to the press. Trey was wondering how people found out that there was a break in and he guess he got his answer. He couldn't judge. He had quickly learned that people would do anything for a quick buck.

"I know last time we talked Ms. Lovato said that she couldn't remember the name of the man who entered her house but she did recognize him so we went off of that and we did end up finding him. Does Jeffrey Smith ring a bell to you?"

Jeffrey Smith. Max had to take some time off to care for his grandparents so the security agency that she had been working with sent Jeffrey Smith to take his place. Jeffrey was shy and quiet, and he never spoke unless Demi or someone else said something to him. He had access to everything that Max had access to and he also drove her around everywhere. Demi knew that she recognized him on the security footage but she just couldn't remember his name because if she was being honest, it wasn't that important to her. Jeffrey had just been a temporary solution to a problem.


"He confessed to the break in right away. We had our psychiatrist evaluate him and all he said was that he wanted to see you again. We also searched his residence and..." Morrison hesitated as he looked at Demi. The poor girl looked emotionally and physically drained. The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel even worse.

"Go ahead," she urged with a light shrug of her left shoulder, as if she was already prepared for the worst.

"He basically had a shrine to you in his house. Pictures, candles, objects that appeared to have been taken from your residence. Some of our officers have taken him down to central booking. This is an open and shut case. He's going to jail for at least ten years," Morrison explained with a solemn look on his face. "But if there isn't anything else, you're free to go."

"You can contact my lawyer if you need anything else. Thank you," Demi said in a voice that was barely above a whisper. Trey shook Morrison's hand then followed Demi out of the precinct and to where his car was parked. She climbed into the passenger seat and hugged her knees to her chest as Trey started the car.

"Everyone's been calling you. Do you want to go anywhere else?" Trey questioned but Demi shook her head.

"I just wanna go back home...back to your house," she corrected herself before resting her head against his window.

"Okay...we'll go back home then."

As long as she needed it, it would be her home whether she left her toothpaste uncapped all the time or not.

Y'all know how I said I stay five chapters ahead so OMG I stg I wrote this before that story about Demi's house almost getting broken into came out. Call me Raven and leave some feedback 😂

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