Chapter 15 : Well, shit

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A shirtless Harry is standing in front of me. He smiles at everyone as they wish him a good luck. I swear I saw my grandma oogling him as well.

It's hard to have such a hot fake boyfriend.

"PICK UP THE ROPE" Dad yelled for everyone.

We picked it up, I look at the red line between our teams.



And it began, we start pulling and we were in the same position. The other team seems strong as well. Harry is standing just ahead of me and I can't help but look at his muscles flexing.

Nothing else matters right now.

He looks back and said something but I can't figure out.

Wait, no. We're playing a game.

"WHAT?" I yelled.


I nod and did it.

"EVERYONE PULL!!" Harry yells to everyone.

And it was like an energy booster because the other team was slipping towards our side.

But then all of a sudden we start moving towards them. We have to be more powerful.

Slowly and slowly we were going well. We all were working together to pull the rope and it was actually working for us now.

We won and it seemed like we achieved something great. We all were jumping and cheering. Lily and I hugged while jumping and Harry was doing the same with others. Even Josh is cheering but I'm sure he's just lip syncing.

I couldn't help and I jumped on Harry with my legs on either side of his torso, his hands were on my bum supporting me.

We were cheering and happy and giving a loser sign to the other team who are my family.

I get down when we got tired and Dad was saying how close the match was.

It doesn't matter how close it was, at the end of the day we won.


The day was passing by very fast. I wasn't hoping this. My sister is getting married tomorrow and I can't believe it.

Lily is sitting outside alone and I'm here looking at her. Not sure if I should go and talk to her about tomorrow. How she's feeling, is she nervous, is she happy?

All the questions are going on in my mind.

"Do you want wine?" Harry asked, and takes a sip of his wine.

"God, no. I hate wine. I'll have whiskey." I said.

He brings me a glass of whiskey and we both look outside.

"Why aren't you and Lily that close? I mean, I've seen you both having so much fun but there's something between you guys I don't understand."

It's weird he doesn't know it yet. Everyone in my family knows what happened between us and I'm shocked that no one has told him about it.

"You know Tyler?" I asked him.

"Yeah, the groom."

"He was my boyfriend."

He stops drinking and looks at me. "What?"

"Yeah, we were actually in love. I thought we were. He was the perfect boyfriend. He was sweet and charming and everyone's favorite.

It was all like what 6 years ago but I planned my whole life with him. But then, one day I saw Tyler and Lily having sex on our sofa. I just never realized that something was going on between them.

It was too much for me, I was so broken. I thought I can never love someone again and it terrified me because all I wanted was Tyler. Tyler was the one for me. So, I ran away from my home and started living in New York. I met Ron there and he was very nice and I was finally over him."

"That's really messed up."

"yeah, I don't think I'm ready to see Tyler." I said, honestly.

"You're strong. You can let him know that you're so much better without him."


"I met Tyler today."

"When?" Is he here right now? Oh god, please no.

"After our tug of war win. He loved the match and congratulated me. He also asked for a picture for his niece. He seemed nice then."

"Gabrielle." I remember his niece's name.

"Yeah. He told me you've changed so much and you're so stronger and smarter now."

"Please, stop talking about him." Thank god, I didn't see him today. Meeting him is the last thing I want even though I know that I have to meet him tomorrow because it's his wedding. Let me just freely live these few hours that I have with myself.

"Also, I forgot that you still have a boyfriend. How is Ron?"

"Well, I forgot about him as well."

"Does he know you're here?" he asked.

"He sends me a few messages asking me where I am but I ignored them."

"You're in a big trouble. The guy is dangerous."

"Yeah, I'm not into dangerous guys now." I said. There was silence for a while, even though it's too loud inside, looking outside at the peaceful area makes everything calm.

"Go and talk to her."

I nod and walk towards her with a wine glass for her.

She's looking up at the sky. Everything is so quiet here.

"Wine for you." I said handing her the glass and she smiles. She has always been the innocent one. The one who never does anything bad but I guess she did.

"Thank you for coming."

"You have to stop this. You are my sister, don't be like this."

"NO, I know it's hard for you." She said.

"You know, I never wanted your relationship to work." I said.

"I know that. I knew that he loved you too much but I don't know why he was with me. There was a part of me that was afraid that he was going to leave me for you but he never did."

"He truly loves you."

"Yeah, he does."

"And I'm happy for you."

"Thanks and I'm happy that you have such a great boyfriend. It's nice to see you like the old Taylor."

"Yeah, he's amazing." I said and look at him.

He's talking to Jeremy, it's funny how he has mixed so well with my family.

"The bride should go and sleep. It's a big day tomorrow."

"You're right. I'm just so tired. Let's just hope we don't have a body pain tomorrow from our tug of war."

"Please no." I said.

I received a text message from an unknown number when Lily left. I opened the text, maybe its Ron trying to contact me.

'Hi, Taylor it's Tyler.'

Well, shit.

'I know it's late but there's something I want to tell you. I don't think I can marry Lily. I'm confused. I realize that I love you and I don't know what to do. Please meet me at our spot.'


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