Medea Dreamwalks

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 "What happened in the dreamscape?" Otrera demanded. "Did they do this to her? What's going on?"

"She's linked to Adonis," I explained the maternity bond the best I could and caught Otrera up on the meeting, eyes never leaving Aphrodite's writhing form. "Aphrodite was going to fill me in on the plan when she woke up, but from what I gathered they were ready to attack tomorrow if they agreed to everything."

"Tomorrow might not be soon enough," Otrera said when Aphrodite started writing again. "Medea, get back in there. Tell the what's going on."

Swallowing hard, I returned to the couch and tried to ignore Aphrodite's moans of pain enough to slip into a dreamscape. It wasn't easy, and every minute it took dragged on, reminding me that I might not have another minute.

If they killed Adonis, Aphrodite would die.

Why now? What are they doing to him?

Finally, with great effort, I managed to slip into a dreamscape. I expected Ares to come find me again, but after waiting around in the blank dreamscape for a moment, I realized I didn't have time to wait for something to happen.

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