Narcissus Debate

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"Don't you get it?" My nails bit into my palms. "The only reason you got this far is because the Pantheon is different now. They don't go around killing anyone and everything they see that could eventually develop into a threat. Not anymore. A god lived on this island for months, listened to everything you all had to say, and didn't slaughter you all as you slept. That would have never happened before. This entire island would have been swallowed in an instant. Instead they gave you a chance, and you blew it!"

"I will not become their pawn!" His powerful voice echoed off the walls. "The Pantheon is weakened. Zeus is dead. The time to make our move is now. Who's with me?"

Bile stung my throat when I saw how many heads nodded. A few demigods looked uncertain, but they didn't speak up.

"That's what I thought." Narcissus jutted his chin up, a triumphant grin on his face. "But she is right about our time on this island being limited. We need to make a plan."

"What do we do with her?" Deucalion narrowed his eyes at me. Something in his voice chilled the blood running through my veins.

Beside me, Otrera tensed, moving slightly in front of me, shoulders tense.

"Do with her?" Narcissus smirked. "She's entitled to her opinion."

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