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When I entered Vans flat I quickly realized he didn't live alone, it was too spacious and I doubted he could afford a place like that on his own.
The walls were somewhat white or I assumed they had been at some point and most of the furniture was old. Most people wouldn't have found it inviting but I thought it made the place feel homely.

I walked to the round table in the living room, placing my jacket on it before turning around to face Van, who looked like he was having trouble locking the door after us.

"Do you live here alone?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He finally faced me, letting a puff escape his lips after finally getting the door to lock.

"No no, there's no way I could rent here on my own, the guy I pointed out to you at the bar lives with me."

He answered, throwing his key onto the table behind me and slipping his own jacket off.

"I figured." I said with a slight smirk. Thinking back to his need for a car.

"Yeah a lot of people say I pull off the hobo look quite well." He joked gesturing to himself before making his way to the fridge.

"I don't think you've ever seen a real homeless person then."

I argued, leaning against the bar table between the kitchen and the living room, my chin in the palm of my hands. I was starting to feel quite tired, the walk from the bar to his place being longer than expected. I felt like one more drink would kill any energy left in me.
Van however, was bending down near near his fridge and pulling out liquor bottles, laying them out next to me on the bar table.

"Was that supposed to be a compliment love?" He smirked before getting two glasses out for us.

"Sure." I answered with a laugh.

He was so relentless with his flirting I really didn't understand how he kept it up.

"So are these the options or am I letting you make one for me?" I asked going through the bottles, skimming the labels.

"I'll make one for you if you want." He said with a mischievous smile.

"I don't trust that face." I spoke my thoughts with a smile.

"Sure you do." He protested with a laugh, pouring some gin into the cups before handing one to me.

I wrapped my fingers around the glass and muttered to myself,

"Filling a glass with gin isn't really making a drink now is it.", before we both downed our drinks, Van finishing it abit faster than me.

He just rolled his eyes before taking my hand and grabbing the bottle of gin.
He guided me to his room and let go, moving to his bed before sprawling his upper body onto it.

"I'm fucking knackered from that gig." He moaned, looking up at the ceiling.

I took this as a hint to relax as we probably weren't going to leave his apartment anytime soon.
I slipped off my boots and pulled up my jeans by the belt loops, shimmying my body to try and adjust evherything.

"Come ere." He said childishly, grabbing the back of my thighs, pulling them toward him as my hands landed on his head for balance.

"Your hair is so straight." I remarked absentmindedly, playing with random strands of hair.

"So is yours." He retorked. I could feel his cheek resting on my somewhat exposed stomach, his warm breath making me feel at ease.

"Only cos I straighten it." I responded with a smile, my voice weak.

I guess I was more tired than expected but I didn't mind our lack of energy, it was nice to just sit there like that.

He then pulled me down on top of him his hands immediately going to the small of my back. I smiled to myself, burying my head into his chest.

"How long are you staying ere for?" He asked after a while.

I lifted my head to face him, furrowing my eyebrows. Did he want me to leave? Why the fuck would he bring me all the way back to his then?

"Tonight? I hadn't really thought about-"

"No no no, I meant, how long are you staying in town for." He corrected himself.

"Ohhh." I said, untensing at his words and rolling my body so my head was under his chin,

"Well, I start classes in two and a half weeks but I'll probably come down on the weekends, I still have my flat for when we can't stay at the dorms."

"Wait so you live at the dorms?" He asked stroking my back.

"I mean yeah, when classes are going, but my uni doesn't let you stay at the dorms when it's the holidays. Something about some students years ago almost burning a building down one Christmas." I chuckled at the story I had been told.

He let out a laugh,

"Fucking twats." He said, a smile lingering on his lips.

"That's what I said." I smiled back lazily.

"I'll have to come see you on the weekends then." He spoke firmly with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, one week and you'll have forgotten all about me." I teased.

"Is that what you think of me?" He asked, lifting me up with ease so I could face him.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks because of how he was looking at me. He didn't seem fazed by how close our faces were. I mean I shouldn't have been either, we had slept together after all.

"I don't know.." I said looking away with an embarrassed smile, laughing slightly. What was I supposed to say to that?, 'yes I think you're probably like all the other boys I've slept with and this thing we have will inevitably end.' Yeah no.

He pulled me out of my thoughts as he hovered over me, placing a kiss on neck, making his way up to my face, and then giving me a proper kiss. I placed my hands to the back of his neck, pulling at the ends of his hair, as he deepened the kiss.

He then placed me on his lap so I was straddling him before moving my hair out of the way so he could access my neck. I tried to suppress my excitement, I loved when he did that.
He started kissing my neck but it quickly became a lot more aggressive as I struggled to keep my composure. I shut my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin when his voice echoed onto my neck,

"Are you gonna miss this?"
I could feel him smirking, I mentally cursed him out for catching me at my weak point,

"Yeah." I said breathlessly.
He pushed me down onto the bed and kissed down my cleavage before unbuttoning my jeans.

"Good.", He said.

Might have been falling asleep while writing this, might

❂ Left Handed Cigarette ❂ // Van McCann Where stories live. Discover now