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I woke up to the sun peaking through the room as the blinds had been shut hurriedly last night.
I smiled remembering what Van had said before closing them,
"Only I get to see you naked tonight."

At the thought of him I turned around, examining his peaceful body rising and falling. How do boys look so good in the morning?
I carefully lifted the duvet to examine my body, though I lived alone and no one would see them I wanted to make sure that my body wasn't completely covered in hickeys.

I was wearing Van's grey shirt from the night before but it was like a dress on me. Yeah that was it. I stood up determined to at least find my underwear. I looked around the room before finding them on the other side of the bed ripped at the side. I blushed in a mix of, anger because they were fucking expensive, and because of the night we had had.
I really wasn't expecting it to be that good, but it was. He was so caring yet so bold, it drove me insane and I don't really think I even tried to hold back, which he seemed to enjoy.

I finally decided to steal one of Sacha's underwear sets because there was no way I was going commando.
I then made my way to the bathroom and quickly put some toothpaste in my mouth and fixed my makeup so I looked more put together. I brushed through my hair before spraying some deo on me. I wondered if boys did this too or if it was just a girl thing, when Van startled me as he opened the bathroom door.

His silver chain was driving me insane as it dangled onto his toned torso. He smiled at me before announcing he had to take a piss. I left the bathroom flustered before sitting back on the bed.

I was so bad at these things, maybe he was like other boys and this was just a one off. The thought made me anxious, I couldn't not see him again, I was already attached. Fuck.

Right on queue I heard a flushing sound before Van sprinted to the bed and jumped on me.

"Good morning tiger." He said his eyes slightly creased and a cheeky smile plastered onto his lips.

I grinned back smelling the same deo I had just sprayed but on his body, knowing that he hadn't "just gone for a piss".

"Good morning." I looked up at him grinning like an idiot.

Something felt so infantile about this moment like two kids getting away with something bad.

"I love you in my shirt." He said as though it wasn't a big deal and then began to trace my curves under the shirt.

I giggled, embarrassed for some reason and flipped us over so I could huddle into his neck. We stayed like that for abit, only the slight stroke of his finger going down my spine indicating that we weren't fast asleep.

In these moments relationships seem so simple but I knew that everything would change soon and it petrified me. I wanted to know him, all of him but at the same time I never wanted to argue or hate him. I didn't want to doubt anything I just wanted it to be simple. I don't know what it was about him that made me think so childishly as I'm usually much more rational.

What also struck me in that morning was how little we knew of each other, apart from my name he had no idea who I was. I could leave and never see him again. The thought of that made me cringe, how something so good could so easily vanish into thin air.

I didn't even know how he felt about me, I wish you could just know. Imagine all the heartbreak and sadness you could spare if you could hear everyone's internal monologue.

I rose to my feet and stared at him pensively,

"I should start heading home.." I said, the sadness apparent on my face.

"Yeah me too I've got band practice soon." He responded longingly.

" You can have this back." I said with a grin to try and lighten the mood as I slipped of his t-shirt in one swift movement, handing it to him.

He eyed my cleavage unbashfully as I retrieved my clothes from the floor and quickly put them on.

" Thea?" He asked once clothed.

"Yeah?" I answered skeptically.

"I told you I was off dating but I had a really good time, with you I mean. I don't know what I want or if I'll even be in this town next week but yeah what do you think?"

He said his words coming as a surprise to me and seemingly to him too.

"Well I've got uni and my courses start again soon but yeah I think you're..you know..good, for me I mean."

I was so uncomfortable sharing my thoughts like this but I thought I might as well. It seemed he liked my answer anyway as he started grinning like an idiot.

"Good then, give me your number." Van ordered, confidence radiating off of him as he reached for a pen on Sacha's desk.

I approached him before grabbing the pen from him and fiddling with his forearm. I quickly jotted down my number mentally thanking myself for memorizing it. His veins were so prominent and I couldn't help but use a line he's used on me yesterday.

"That's quite hot." I said tracing his vein, imitating his voice.

"Oh and she's cheeky now isn't she!" He exclaimed with a grin before grabbing my face and planting one on me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek before unwrapping myself and walking towards the door.

"Let's go then." I said, he just smiled again, his dimples becoming prominent.

Once we made it through multiple sleepy and presumably hungover teens scattered around Sacha's house, I started walking towards my beat up car.
I then mentally slapped myself for not remembering Van didn't have a car. I turned to him.

"Dyou want a ride then?"

"You think I followed you out here just cos you're pretty?" He joked.

I gave him a fake shocked expression before muttering with a grin,
"Get in you slag."
Comment if you want me to keep updating xx thanks for reading

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