picking ToD or StB

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Craigs pov

Me and the crew were going to pax east. In 3 days. Sooo we decides to play a game. I thought it was CoD. Or gta and gmod. But nope!

We were ganna play truth or dare. Thin FREAKING SPIN THE BOTTLE!

"I hate my life." I whispered
"Come on craig you're not sitting this game out! Get yo ass ova heh!" Evan commented/Yelled at me. "Im not sitting out im just watching everyone play! Why i just go over there and sit in a dark corner!" I replied back

"CRAIG LETS GO!" Everone said in fusion i groaned sitting down next to jon and lui "huff!" I said in annoy meant

"Shut it craig! I have a dog at home that annoys me so i dont wanna deal with another one!" Tyler <3 said in anger

I mocked him with my mouth moving and my hand. Smirking at him when i was done "hehe you showed that bitch wassup." Lui said in my ear in his squeaky voice.

We laughed that laugh were wer at school laugh. (Holding your laugh in so it only muffling laugh.) Jon herd he was doing it to. Everyone looked at us like ' da fuc u guys insane bro' kinda face

Then we lost it "omfg lui!" Me and jon said at the same time "what's so funny?" Ty said confused "nothing nothing nothing" i said

"Mk less go " evan said "i vote spin the bottle first!" Everyone said except me. Oh no.

Next time

"Ok ill spin first" ty said  he spind it and it landed on someone i hate to say

Whos it ganna be??
Idk? Oh wait i do but i ain't telln
MWAHAHA ach ach ew bug bug i swallowed a bug ach ach ew

Ok find out WAT gonna happen next time on the walking dead no but i will probley make a minicat walkin dead with minicat and h20vanoss brah

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