Chapter Four

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My team gathered around me as we waited for our warmups to start. My knee ached from all the standing but I just needed to make it onto the field, and all the pain would be worth it.

The sunshine was starting to rise over the mountains as the guard anxiously stretched. We didn't need to be told how important this competition was. I knew it would be my last performance so they would have to find someone else to fill my position. Guilt started to eat at my resolve, knowing my lies would destroy my relationship with the people who were practically my family.

"Stop stressing." Coach puts a hand gently on my shoulder, thinking the gesture would me relax. But for the first time, my heart didn't stop racing in my chest. This was a performance to stress about. It was my last impression on everyone after all.

Our team runs through the performance a few times as buses pulled into our parking lot. Girls in full costume make-up filled off the buses. I wanted to turn away, forget what I would be missing. That wasn't possible though when I saw a girl with no hair follow her team off the bus.

She joked around with her friends and I couldn't help but wonder what she was battling.

"Meet back here in twenty." Coach tells us as we put away our practice flags. "And no eating in uniform!" She calls after us as we race towards the food vendors.

I didn't feel hungry. Instead I made a beeline towards the girl who I might be able to connect with. She was filling up her waterbottle and with none of my friends in sight, I made my way over to her.

"Hi, I'm sorry this might seem weird but can I ask you a question?" I ask as she turns towards me.

"You're going to ask what type of cancer I have, aren't you?" She flashes a stunning smile as she leads me towards the stands. "I have Astrocytomas. It's a brain cancer." She studies me and I realize I should probably explain.

"I was just diagnosed with terminal cancer a couple days ago. I was just wondering was it hard telling your team or would it be better if I stayed silent?" I ask as I bite my lip nervously. Tears threatened to ruin my makeup.

"How long do you have?" She asks as she puts her arm around my shoulder. "You're what a freshman? I was unfortunate enough to have it strike in my junior year, so I can't imagine what you're going through."

"I've I'm lucky I might have a year left. I'm hoping to make it to my sixteenth birthday, but it's not looking like I will." I inform her. "This is going to my last performance before retreat to the hospital."

"It's not easy fighting alone." She leans back as more schools start arriving. "I tried doing what you're planning. I lasted until my first surgery, after that I couldn't go it alone anymore. Are you being treated at St. Jude? I'm usually there once or twice a week depending on how my scans are looking."

"Yeah, I'll be there full time until further notice." I reply.

"Do you wear gloves during a performance?" It was a weird question but I nod. She pulls out a sharpie and grabs my hand.

Mallory 639 – 3031 was written in a flowing text across my palm.

I take her sharpie and I write my phone number on her hand.

"Call me soon. I would love to have someone who understands. Don't get me wrong my team is great, but... well you'll understand soon enough." Mallory hugs me tightly. "You'll do great out there, Kailey."

Love Knows No BoundsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon