Everyone looked up from what they were doing and shot their eyes at Jimi and I. Jimi put his hands on my legs and looked at me with a smile. Neither of us said anything.

"Really?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah. There's a baby growing in my Mommy's tummy" Aubree said. I decided to let their conversation pan out before confirming anything. It's kind of entertaining to see everyone's faces right now.

"It's not in her tummy" Daisy said confidently.

"Yeah, my mommy said that there is a baby in her tummy and so did my daddy" Aubree said getting upset. I can only imagine Aubree's posture back there. I guarantee that she is standing up with both of her hands on her hips and the sassiest face.

"There is not a baby in her tummy" Penelopi said.

"Yeah there is. I'm gonna ask her right now" Aubree said. Everyone was just staring at Jimi and I. We both just pretended we didn't hear a word of what was going on back there. All three girls came stomping out by us. Well here goes nothing.

"Mommy, there's a baby in your tummy right?" Aubree asked.

"Because Daisy and Penelopi said that there isn't a baby in there and I kept telling them there is, but they don't believe me" she added angrily. I looked at Jimi and smiled. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, waiting to answer her.

"Yes, there is a baby in my tummy" I said with a smile.

"Ahhh, oh my Gosh!" Kimberly screamed and ran over to me.

"This is amazing" she said and gave me a hug.

"Congratulations" Rebecca said.

"See, I told you that there really was a baby in there" Aubree said and looked at Daisy and Penelopi.

"How is there a baby in your tummy?" Daisy asked.

"All babies start out in their mommy's tummy. That's how they grow and become babies" I said.

"How?" Penelopi asked and everyone looked at me.

"That's a question for your mom and dad" I said with a laugh.

"Thanks" Phillip said sarcastically.

"That's what you said when Aubree asked that question" I said with a laugh.

"What did you tell her?" Rebecca whispered.

"That Jesus put the baby there" I said and she nodded.

"Mama, how did the baby get in Kiki's tummy?" Penelopi asked.

"Well, Jesus thought that Kiki and Jimi should have another baby, so he put the baby in her tummy to grow" Rebecca said.

"Oh" Penelopi said.

"Why don't you girls go back and play" I suggested and they took off to the back of the bus.

"So, when were you going to tell us that you two were having a baby?" Kimberly asked.

"Actually, just like that. I'm just surprised that it took Aubree that long to spill the beans" I said with a laugh.

"How far along are you?" Rebecca asked.

"Thirteen weeks" I said.

"My question is, how you have managed to keep it a secret that long. You guys basically figured it out by week five with me" Rebecca said.

"Well you were throwing up all hours of the day" I said.

"True" she said with a laugh.

"I'm kind of surprised that you guys didn't figure it out earlier because my morning sickness was

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