•epilogue || 11k reads!!1!1•

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Everything about her seemed frightening.

I watched her fragile body get pulled into the metal confinements of the cage. I wanted to get her out, get Gruff to help her, but it would’ve been too risky. I still remember when she first got here and almost viciously ripped my brains out. I was lucky to be saved – but I couldn’t forget the look in her eyes when the demon left her body once again – they were frightened, tired, and full of guilt.

And that was what I felt now. I was frightened of Y/N, even though I knew this really wasn’t her.

I can wait, for as long as I have to, just to get her back.

A week passed by – too slowly. And I was at the verge of bursting into the cage to get Y/N. I’d kept my emotions quite well, but in the most unholy hours of the night when I was alone, I’d spend it crying over here. Things would be so much better if she was here.

Then the day came.

The day when Auttie finally got out of her body, and I felt the weight leave my shoulders. A hint of worry was there – a piece of me thought she wouldn’t make it, that she’d be too weak to get up.

Everyone rushed outside including me.

I reminded myself, to be positive.

To have hope, that Y/N would be alive. That she’d be strong.

Jake was already there, his mouth covered by his shaking hands as he, as I presumed, talked to Gruff. He could hear the spirit, but not see him. Weird boy.

Y/N was alive.

But she was weak.

Her body was there on the grass, her eyelids struggling to stay open as she moved her arms. Her clothes were tattered, her hair a tangled mess but she still managed to keep an element of beauty. Inside and out.

She looked around, her eyes filled with fear as they finally landed on me. We made eye contact, and I felt every ounce of my previous doubts and worries leave my body.

“I–I’m alive,” Y/N uttered out, her voice laced with bitterness. I wondered why for a moment, until I realized. Auttie hadn’t made it. I can’t believe I forgot about her.

I rushed to the front of the cage and fiddled with the door, then realizing it’d been locked. That’s stupid of me.

Miss Peregrine stared in shock as she immediately pulled out the keys from her pockets and handed them to me with a reassuring smile. I didn’t bother to return it since I was in a weird state. In that moment, I didn’t know what to think.

“Enoch,” Y/N breathed sharply as she struggled to get up. “Don’t come any closer.” She ordered. If I’d been in a different state, I wouldn’t have obliged. But she was all that mattered. I stood back.

“Where’s—” She cut herself off before looking around. “Gruff,”

• • •

Your POV

I felt bad for pushing Enoch away and refusing to be in his arms, even though all I needed right now was to be with him. To feel his touch and his love.

“She... She didn’t make it.” I stated the obvious, fear evident in my voice. Everyone looked at me in shock.

“It’s okay,” Gruff assured me, water was brimming his puppy dog eyes. I felt guilty. “Don’t—” He sighed, “Stop blaming yourself. It’s not your fault. The important thing is, you’re alive.”

I nodded, tears pricking the back of my eyes. In no time at all, I was crying – bawling my eyes out as I struggled to stand. Enoch helped me with a warm smile. It didn’t feel like I was gone for very long, it was like sleeping then suddenly waking up. But even so, I couldn’t help but miss him. The rare smile that he hardly showed anyone.

“I’ll be okay.” I reassured everyone. “Gruff will be okay.”

They hugged me all one by one, constant utters of “I’m sorry,” or “I’m glad everything will be okay now,” leaving their mouths with smiles. Enoch and me shared a kiss and I felt all the negativity leave me.

“I–I love you. So much.” Enoch says, his chocolate brown eyes melting with passion.

“I love you too.”

And just like that, everything seemed to be fine. Like a façade. I knew things would never be the same again.

But now, it was the present, and it was a gift I’d be willing to receive and keep for the rest of my life.

As long as Enoch was here with me.

• • •

author’s note || it could’ve been better honestly, but take what i’m willing to give. thank you so much, for the reads, the votes, and for your time.
an a/n will come next, i have important announcements :)

~ anastasia 💟

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