We watched as Darcy played in her crib, bouncing around. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Mmmm my husband." I whispered in his ear and blushed. He smirked and bit his lip, nodding at me.

"My beautiful wife. I love you." He whispered and pecked me lips, looking to my eyes. I blushed more and pecked his lips back, nodding.

"I love you too." I whispered back and kissed his forehead.

"Luff you!" Darcy squeaked out and we giggled, watching her.

I watched Louis, I knew he wasn't very interested in going to the funeral to support at least the family. But I knew that I had too, I couldn't ignore that fact.


It was a few hours later, almost time to go to the funeral. I was wearing a black dress, Louis in a black button down shirt with dress pants. He sighed and whined a little.

"I don't like dressing for funerals." He sighed and I smiled, kissing his cheek, fixing his collar.

"Well you look handsome so shush." I giggled and he smiled, kissing my lips lovingly.

"And you look absolutely gorgeous." He breathed and kissed my nose, pulling me closer.

Soon we were leaving for the funeral, I looked out the window, watching the raindrops slowly trickle down the glass. Of course this was the perfect time to be raining.. During a funeral.. Not.

I sighed and leaned my head against the window, biting my lip. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened yesterday. Not just the dream, everything. I shook my head and stared out the window, studying the nature.

Once we got there, I climbed out of the car and took Louis' hand.

"Deep breaths baby it's going to be okay." I whispered and he smiled sadly, nodding. No matter who it was funerals /always/ made Louis and I upset.

I looked around, seeing people crying to their loved ones. It made me feel rotten inside, guilty, sad, empty. You name it, I just couldn't contain the thoughts right now.

Surprisingly, I recognized a lot of people. I sighed and cuddled close to Louis, seeing Mrs. Matthews taking to an old couple. Once she saw us her saddened smile lifted up a little, which made me happy as well. She walked over hugging us, smiling widely.

"Thank you guys, so much for coming." She spoke softly and nodded, her eyes a little teary.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it." Louis said softly as well and she smiled widely, taking his hand and squeezing it.

"Thank you really, so so much." She said before looking down and walking off to talk to some other people. I sighed and bit my lip, seeing an open coffin over in the back of the room.

We both walked over and looked at Jack's limp body, laying there. He looked very clean cut and pale. Not life in his skin anymore, it made me cringe. I sighed and teared up, kneeling down, and putting my head down, thinking of a few things. I looked up at Louis who was standing there,biting his lip and sighed softly, kneeling down as well.

It was halfway through the funeral and I've cried about.. A few times. I just couldn't help myself. The feeling and thought just brings you down.

"Chantelle Tomlinson, would like to say a few words." Mrs. Matthews spoke, giving me a soft assuring smile. I smiled back and kissed Louis' cheek, he smiled back and kissed my cheek as well. I stood up and walked to the podium, clearing my throat, looking around at all of the people in the room.

"I-I really didn't prepare a speech. It was kind of last minute you know." I laughed sadly and so did everyone else. Louis was sitting there, smiling widely at me, giving me a tiny assuring wink, basically reminding me everything was going to be okay.

"But I had no problem in saying no to the offer... Jack was, a really great person. I only knew him for, so long you know? I actually forgot about the times we had together, a lot of great ones. But the other day it just hit me that back in primary school we were close friends. You know I just wish it was like that before he had left this precious world. We had our ups and downs and I even said, deep down, I knew that he wanted me to say a few words today. So Jack... It's been a rough road for us and if you're listening. The road along the way has smoothed out. I don't really know what to say exactly, I'm not the type to stand infront of people and give a speech but I'm glad I did today." I spoke and smiled nodding, some people clapped, others sat there, watching and crying.

"Louis Tomlinson, would like to say a few words." I said sneakily and smiled at him. His eyes widened and he smiled at the people,getting up and walking to the podium, looking around.

"Wow, this is just. Really hard for me, surprising to say. Aside from the fact I stand infront of large crowds all the time I'm actually really nervous." He laughed nervously and other people laughed a little, which made Louis smile.

"Jack and I definitely had a lot of down situations.. I hate to say, we had a bad past and honestly, I wish I wasn't the person I was in the past because everything would just be so different. Like my wife said, I don't have a speech prepared. But I just want everyone here to know, that he was a good person, he really was, coming from me especially is surprising but I know that deep down he was. Him and I actually were good friends before primary school, long story and he was just a best friend. I'm really thankful to be in the spot I am and I just wish.. I wish I could've explained everything to him, and just apologize."'he sighed softly and looked down then back up.

"Thank you." He finished and walked down as people calmly clapped.


Everyone was outside, giving thanks, crying to eachother. It was just a sad sight to see. I sighed and walked to Mrs. Matthews, smiling widely. She smiled back and hugged me

"Thank you Chantelle." She whispered and pulled back, rubbing my arm. I smiled back and nodded.

"Your welcome." I simply said, looking down.

She went over hugging Louis and I watched, smiling widely. I looked over at Jack's stone and sighed, sitting on the tiny bench infront of it.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at the stone, examining it. Louis came over and sat down next to me, pulling me close.

"I'm proud of you baby, I love you so so much." He whispered, kissing my temple. I sniffled and smiled at him.

"I'm proud of you, Lou. I really am. You're strong Louis, I love you so so much." I whispered back and out our foreheads together, pecking his lips. He smiled and looked at the stone, then down, I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed, tears running down as Louis kissed the away.

I noticed the grave next to Jack's, reading the words engraved into it.

"John Matthews. Gone but never forgotten, fought strongly through his battles of cancer. Although it won over him he still managed to save lives everywhere. Husband of Patty Matthews and Father of Jack Matthews ; 1965-2013"

A/N; Sorry guys if this chapter sucks!:p I'm really tired but I wanted to update as much as possible tonight. I hope you like it :3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2014 ⏰

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