"That's good to hear." a few minutes later Lord Elrond made his way into the room he quickly examined the child he put gauze on the child's wounds and quickly wrapped them. "Your wounds are doing well little one."

" Soon you'll be able to get up" the child seems happy with the news, a small smile gracing his face. "Does that make you happy little one?" Legolas asked.

"Yes I don't like sitting in bed all the time." "We'll see how you do tomorrow and if everything is going okay I'm sure Legolas would be happy to give you a tour of Rivendell." The child gave a confused look "Rivendell" he asked

"Yes child that is where you reside right now." The child glanced around the room as if he could grasp an understanding of Rivendell just from what his room looks like.

"Rivendell is a beautiful, magnificent place child, I know you will love it" Legolas looked at the child with adoring eyes. The child looked up at Legolas "I believe you" he said those three words made Legolas's heart soar.

He was happy that the child trusted him so much. He just hoped that the child would soon be able to trust everyone here, but only time could tell. "It's getting late Lord" Elrond informed the boy.

"Why don't you go ahead and get some rest I will be here in the morning to check on you."

"I will be here if you need anything" Legolas said as he sat beside the child's bed. Lord Elrond nodded knowing that he cannot change Legolas's mind.

Child's POV

When I woke up the next morning the blond man Legolas, I believe was his name was not sitting next to my bed like usual.

I wonder where he could have gone, did he want to leave me that badly, before I could dwell on anything the man with the short brown hair entered my room.

"Good morning little one, I am here to bring you your food."

"What's your name?" I asked Shyly.The man gave a huge smile.

"Estel, At Your Service." He bowed and I couldn't help a giggle that escapes my mouth. "There we go let's see that smile."

Without thinking I asked where is the other man was. "Which one?" I could feel a blush start to form on my face I couldn't just say the gorgeous one that would be embarrassing "um..the one with.. the blonde hair" the man laughed and smiled wide at me. "Yes that is Legolas he'll be back in a little bit."

That calmed me down knowing he would be back soon. I smiled, I looked down at the food the man had brought me it was the same soup as last night. I certainly missed having Legolas feed me, I would never say that out loud though, too embarrassing.

I took the spoon in my hand and started eating, the food tasted amazing. I don't know what it was, but it was good and I couldn't help grown at the taste. "Good huh" Estel asked I just nodded my head since I couldn't answer.

After Legolas, Estel was probably the one I trusted the most, he was nice and had a really nice smile. Just as I was finishing my meal Legolas and the other man from earlier came into my room. Legolas smiled when he saw me sitting up and eating and I couldn't help but smile back.

"It's so good to see you awake little one" the other man said. He came over to me and sat on the bed beside me. He helped me remove my shirt so he could look at my wounds and quickly redresses them.

He then helps me put my shirt back on. "Are you feeling well enough to get out of bed today." I smiled and nodded my head quickly. The man offered me his hand and helped me out of bed. Legolas went over to one of the cabinets and got me a pair of pants. Once I was fully dressed with a pair of shoes.

I took the Legolas's hand and slowly followed the others out of the room. When we exited the room we were greeted buy two people. "Little one this is Lady Galadriel and Haldir." The man introduced. "My Lord Elrond the child is looking much better."

So that was the man's name Lord Elrond. The blonde woman like Legolas was very beautiful. She had a very inhuman grace about her, her eyes held nothing but wisdom and I couldn't help but feel nothing but peace and tranquility when standing close to her.

"We're going to go show him around Rivendell, not too much, but enough so he can get an idea of where he will be living." Lady Galadriel smiled down at me and I couldn't help but smile back "That sounds like fun" she said "yes ma'am" I replied.

The man next to her didn't say anything when we talked, however like Lady Galadriel, Legolas and Lord Elrond there was something almost inhuman about him. Like the others he was also very beautiful as well.

We said our goodbyes and Lord Elrond led me out into it looks like a courtyard but this was no ordinary courtyard it must have been something out of the imagination, it was stunning and beautiful, Majestic and magnificent I could hear a soft music playing in the background which seemed to calm me.

Out in the distance I could make out mountains all around us, with waterfalls vast and luscious. We must be in some sort of Valley I thought to myself. All I could do was stare at every little thing. Everything seems so pure, white and good it was like nothing I could ever imagine.

"Do you like it little one?" Legolas asked. I smiled and just nodded I couldn't form the words to say just what I thought. Lord Elrond just gave a small chuckle

"Yes it is quite beautiful isn't it."

I'm going to have to figure out a name for harry, since he didn't know his real one.

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