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♤All credit for the characters and setting goes to Heathers and "Heathers: the Musical."  This is just my version of the story.  Hope you enjoy. :)

Veronica's POV

      "Ugghhh," I sluggishly rolled around in my bed, twisting the blue comforter to protect my ears from the horrible screeching from that wretched clock.  However, I knew I would have to eventually leave my safe haven for a bitter hell:  Westerburg High School. Home of the wild jocks, obnoxious implants, and the Heathers.  The three Heathers, Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara, ruled the school.  Clad in yellow, the preppy Heather McNamara was the head of the cheerleader squad.  Her dad is loaded, so it's no surprise she has money for all the clothes she splurges on.  In green, Heather Duke runs the yearbook despite having no discernable personality.  But Heather Chandler, the almighty, wears her red scrunchie like a sheriff's badge.  The Heathers are touchable, which is precisely why I want to sit with them at lunch.  The bullying would finally stop and I could finally find peace.  


Just not today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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