Should I Use My Heart Or My Head?

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*Ashton’s’ POV*

I thought things were going really well between Ebony and I lately, but now she’s spending the night a Michaels.

I know I sound insanely jealous, and I know she left Mike in the first place because he was insanely jealous, but I can’t help it. And I know we aren’t even a couple, not really, but I like her. I like spending time with her, she’s on my mind like 45 hours a day

She probably just stayed out of pity. Yeah, that’s it. She pities him.

*back to Ebonys*

Michael and I fell asleep together that night, in each other’s arms. We both had faces wet from crying, and smiles pulling at the corners of our mouths.

When we woke up in the morning it was a little awkward, but we got over it quickly.

“Are you hungry Mikey?” I said, stretching out from my uncomfortable position on the couch

“mmm” , and I kiss on my cheek was the only reply I got.

I took it as a yes.

After we ate, I decided I should go see Ashton.

It took forever to explain to Michael that I wasn’t leaving him again. I was going to get my stuff from Ashton and tell him I was moving back in with Mike.

I texted Ashton first, to let him know I was coming then I left, promising I would be back in less than an hour.

Michael said he would miss me and we hugged for about ten minutes before he let me go.

I knocked on Ashton’s door and he opened up pretty much instantly.

“What took you so long? Are you okay?” He asked immediately, sounding concerned

“Yeah I’m fine, sorry, Michael wouldn’t let me go” I replied as I walked in

“Is he being a dick again? Is he still dinking?” Ashton bombarded me with more questions

“No, no. He’s…uh getting better. But listen, I think I should stay with him. Make sure he’s okay, you know?”

“What? Why? You’re too good for him”

“Ash…. Don’t be like that. It was wrong of me to leave him in the first place, thanks or letting me stay here but I really think I should get back home now. I just came to get my stuff”

“Eb…I thought you and I were a thing. Now you’re just leaving me?”

Ashton looked at me with big sad eyes and I felt terrible. I just fuck up everyone’s lives

“I know, I’m sorry, but Mike. He really needs me”

“So you’re just going to pick him because he can’t take care of himself?”  He was starting to get angry now, and I just wanted to leave

“It’s not about picking one of you. Give me a break here Ash. I’m trying to make this easy”

“EASY?! You live at my house for a week, make me fall in love with you then you go running back to Michael. The man I saved you from? Really?” He said, voice cracking at the end

I was so close to crying already. This is all too hard. I either hurt Michael or Ashton. There’s no way to please everyone.

“IM SORRY OKAY?!” I said, allowing the tears to fall from my eyes.

Ashton pulled me into hug, and softly petted my hair as I began to sob heavier.

“Hey, don’t cry. I’m sorry” He cooed

Why do people keep being nice to me? I don’t deserve it!

“No, don’t apologise” I said with a shaky voice, “I shouldn’t have kissed you, I was just upset about Michael and I really needed someone. And I’m sorry I lead you on”

“It’s okay, I’m sorry I got angry, I know you must be going through a lot right now.”

“Can I just get my stuff and leave, Pease? I don’t want to keep Michael waiting”

“Yeah….okay. If that’s what you want”

This is exactly what I loved about Ashton. He was so selfless, always putting everyone else before himself. Always calm and stable

I grabbed my pillow and a few items of clothing before hugging Ashton and quickly leaving.

The first thing Michael said when I got back was “Have you been crying? Oh my god, what did he do?”  

“Nothing, I’m fine, really” I said, sinking into his warm embrace. “Can we just cuddle for a little?”

“Of course we can” He whispered and pressed a kiss into my forehead

*Ashtons POV*

She left me, for Michael?! Does she not see how pathetic he is?

She’ll be back here in less than two weeks, crying about something he did.

He’s too unstable to hold a relationship and she’s too weak to support him. This isn’t going to work and someone’s going to get hurt. Probably both of them.

She’s better off with me and he needs to get help.


Hi! I updated late, sorry but school is a thing unfortunately

this chapter is short and shitty soz, this fic is coming to an end soon so...

Hope your life is going well, mine is :)

Comment and angles will come in the night and give you concert tickets

ps hope Australians get the tickets they want

thanks for being alive

bye xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2014 ⏰

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