I Can't Drown my Demons they Know how to Swim

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I walked through the front gates of school quickly, with my head down. I could feel everybody looking at me, watching my every move, whispering.

I found Molly and Luke sitting under the tree, our usual spot.

“Ah hey guys” I said awkwardly, I defiantly felt like the third wheel

“Hi” Luke mumbled

“Just ignore everyone Ebony, they just want gossip” Molly said hugging me

Ashton walked into school and came up to us, smiling like always.

“EBONY! It’s been forever” He screamed

“ASHTON!” I ran up and hugged him “How’s maths been without me?”

“Horrible! I had to do work and everything!”  We both laughed

“Well we better get to class. Bye guys!” Ashton said and dragged me to first session maths.

“Ebony, I cannot even begin to describe how much I’ve missed you!”

“Aw I missed you too Ash! How much have I missed?”

“A LOT. We have a lest on Thursday”

“Shit! What’s it on?”

“No idea, lol”

I probably should have cared more about maths but I didn’t. Oh well, I’ll never use half of it anyway! We spent the entire maths lesson talking about the proper location of tomato sauce within the house, fridge vs. pantry. After that I had to go to the rest of the days classes alone. It was okay, I sat on my own and people kept looking at me but I survived.

When I got home I found Michael passed out on the couch.

“Michael? What are you doing?” I said as I shook him lightly

He groaned and sat up. “Oh, heeeey”

“You smell like alcohol! What did you do?”

“I missed you this much!” He slurred, holding his arms out wide

“Michael I was gone for six hours! SIX FREAKING HOURS AND YOU MANAGE TO GET SMASHED”

“I didn’t feel good, don’t leave me” He said and grabbed my wrists, pulling me onto to couch with him.

“c’mon let’s get you up to bed”

“Yeah let’s go to bed” He kissed me sloppily

“Get off me! You taste horrible”

“I feel horrible”

I helped him up the stairs and into bed. He fell straight asleep. He looked so peaceful and cute; too bad I was going to scream at him later.

It was only 4pm and Michael was asleep, I decided to call Ashton and see if I could go over to his house to work on some homework, I was so behind.

“Hey Ash, what you up to?” I asked over the phone

“Nothing much, you?”

“I was just wondering if I could maybe come over now. To study”

“Yeah sure! What about Michael?”

“Thanks…he’s um, sleeping”

“At 4 in the afternoon?”

“He had a bad night, I’ll see you in half an hour” I said quickly and hung up

I got my school bag and keys and started the walk to Ashton’s house. I arrived about 20 minutes later and knocked on his wooden door.

“Hi Ebony!” Ashton smiled and waved at me like a retard

“Hey, why are you so happy? I just want to do homework”

“I don’t know. I’m just happy to have you here”

We walked into a large open living room with a small wooden coffee table and a cream sofa.

“Just sit where ever” Ashton said as he sat back in the sofa. I sat next to him

“Where are your family?”

“They are in Queensland for the week, my little brother plays soccer”


It was kind of awkward, we had never really been alone together before,  we always had a class of people around us.

“So do you really want to study?” He asked

“No. but I have to”

It got progressively less awkward as the night went on, by 6pm we had given up on homework and were playing charades.

I literally fell off the couch laughing as Ashton rolled around on the floor flopping his feet and flipping his hair.

“WILLOW SMITH?!”  I screamed at him, trying to guess what he was acting out.

He shook his head.

“oh… A DYING FISH!?”



“Ebony, I’m sorry but you suck at this! I was the little mermaid!” “Wait, did you say batman?”  Ashton said, standing up and fixing his hair.

“okay, I’ll admit batman was a bad guess but I’m not that bad!”

“Whatever you say….” He laughed

I hit him playfully and he pouted

“Anyway, thanks for helping me with that 10 minutes of homework we did. I better be getting home now.

“I’ll drive you, it’s getting dark.”

“No its still light enough, I’ll walk”

“No, I’m driving you.” He said getting his keys

“I need the exercise”

“Don’t be stupid!” He argued and took hold of my wrist, dragging me out.

“Thanks for driving me home, see you at school tomorrow” I called out to Ashton as I walked up to the door and unlocked it.

I threw my bag down next to the table and walked upstairs to check on Michael.

“Michael! I’m home” I called

“YOU…YOU CAME BACK!” I heard him cry from the bathroom

“What do you mean? Where would I go?” I turned the door knob but it was locked

“I thought you left me….”

“Michael, let me in!”


Oh…. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting!

Please comment, I like hearing feedback. I like chocolate milk, a lot

Bye xx

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