Living In the Rations from the Ghost of Passion. Whats a boy to do?

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Molly and I sat at the table in the far corner of the restaurant, watching Michael frantically apologize to the mother of the child he just dumped an entire try of maccas on. The best part was when he tried to eat the chips from the little boy’s hair!

Being the gentleman he is, Michael went back to the counter to order our meals for the second time that night.

“Food!” He practically screamed from a few meters away.

“Oh my god! Took you long enough Marvin!” I said reaching out and grabbing some chips from the plastic tray.

“Miss me already babe?”

“No, I just wanted food!” I poked my tongue out at him. But noticed he wasn’t looking at me.

“Damn! I would do her” He laughed as an incredibly beautiful girl walked past with a sundae.


The rest of the meal was silent apart from the convocations Michael tried starting, to which no one replied to and he quickly shut up again.

“So, what do you guys want to do now?” He asked once we had finished eating. Does he ever give up!?

“Oh um we have to go home now. Bye” Thank god Molly has my back!

“Oh. Bye Ebony” He smiled and waved at me.

I just got up and followed Molly out. I know ignoring him is a bit harsh. I mean he’s only a guy, they don’t know any better. But it’s just I thought he liked me, I don’t know. Maybe he just flirts with every girl? .... Oh um and makes out with them to?

“Oh my god! Ebony he is such an ass! You are the most beautiful, amazing person ever! If he can’t see that he must be blind!”

“Thanks Molly, let’s just go home. And watch some movies or something?”

“Totally! We need more bonding time anyway!”

We arrived back at our hotel room around 2pm and I immediately changed into a singlet and some shorts. I think I really needed this movie marathon with Molly, to calm down and just take a break for a while. Everything has been really stressful lately.

We were two movies in when my phone vibrated.

Marvin- “HEEYY!!”

Ugh! I just put my phone down and continued watching the TV until it buzzed again, about 20 minutes later.

Marvin- “Hi! Why did you guys have to go home?”

Really?! Maybe he’s actually dumber than I thought. My phone lit up again.

Marvin- “I missed you xx”

Aw! He missed me?! Maybe he does have a sweet side. Wait No! Michael is the enemy! I can’t get sucked in by his adorableness.

Marvin- “Are you ignoring me? What did I do?”

Don’t. Reply. Ebony.

My phone started ringing and I didn’t even need to look at the screen to guess who it was. I declined the call.

Marvin- “I’m sorry! Answer your phone? Xx”

Okay, I’ve had enough. I typed a reply.

“Why don’t you try calling that chick from maccas today!?”  

------------Michaels POV--------------

“Why don’t you try calling that chick from maccas today!?”


“Why would I call her when I have you?”

“Just leave me alone and go find someone else to hook up with!”

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