Secret Love, My Escape Take Me Far, Far Away

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Michael?” I asked again

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT ASHTON!?” He screamed, causing me to jump back a little and everyone in the room turn to look at us

“What?” Ashton replied, confused. He was standing in the corner across the room holding his drink


“Michael! Stop!” I yelled at him, really not wanting to do this publicly but he just ignored me

“Hey, mate, calm down! We’ll talk about this in the morning” Ashton tried to defuse the situation

“DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO” Michael was still screaming unnecessarily loud

“Go home Mike, you’re drunk” Ashton said, making most of the bystanders laugh.

Michael wasn’t laughing, he ran across the room to get in Ashtons face.


“Oh, so that’s what this is about? You’re jealous she’s gonna leave you for me?”

“IM NOT JEALOUS!” Michael shouted and attempted to through a punch at Ashton. By now quite a large crowd had gathered to the sound of Michael yelling, and had began chanting “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT”

That’s when I ran over to the pair, I knew drinking made Michael distractive but I never thought he’d be the one to fight.

By the time I got there, though the ring of teenagers, Ashton had Michael pinned to the ground.

“Ebs, you should probably take him home” Ashton said and smiled apologetically at me

“GET THE FUCK OFF ME” Michael was still screaming and generally being a drunken moron, “And don’t you dare talk to my girlfriend!”

“Excuse you? I’ll talk to whoever I want to! You don’t own me”


“Michael, stop.” I warned

“Or what? You’ll run away with your little man whore here?”

Well, he sure was being a massive dick tonight!

“You know what Michael? I JUST MIGHT! At least he isn’t a fucking drunk loser trying to fight anyone who looks at his girlfriend” I grabbed Ashton’s wrist and stormed out of the house

As soon as I was outside the house and standing on the dark street with Ashton I broke down crying.

“Ebony? Are you okay?” Ashton asked

“I’m sorry! I just really hate fighting with Michael” I whispered though my tears

“Hey, it’s okay, he’ll be fine in the morning”       

“I thought you hated him?” I asked, wiping my smudged make up

“I don’t hate him, I just dislike the way he treats you. You shouldn’t be crying because of him” Ashton sounded kind of angry but he controlled it

“I don’t really want to see him right now; can I stay at your place?” I said, quickly changing the subject

“You sure?”

“Yeah, yeah, Michael will get over it in the morning”

Ashton took my hand and led me to his car, and then we drove to his house silently.

When we got in I went upstairs to clean my face and change while Ashton made us hot chocolate.

We sat down on his bed and talked, talked about music, TV shows, cats, everything. And we laughed, we laughed a lot and I felt happy.

“Thank you Ash”

“What are you thanking me for?”

“Not beating up Michael and keeping me company”

He just laughed and hugged me tightly. He has such a cute laugh

***Michaels POV*** (idk if you like this or not, I just think you need to know how he feels about this)

“You know what Michael? I JUST MIGHT! At least he isn’t a fucking drunk loser trying to fight anyone who looks at his girlfriend” She screamed at me

That hurt. She thinks I’m a loser?

She hates me now; in fact I think she’s hated me for a while now. She hates me, I hate me, and everyone hates me

I was just trying to protect her, to protect us! I always fucking fuck up and now she’s probably in Ashton’s arms.

I bet she likes him, everyone likes him he’s perfect!

“GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!” I cried and everyone quickly scrambled out the door, leaving just me, Molly and Luke

“Michael, what’s wrong? Where’s Ebony?” Molly asked

“I don’t know! Probably fucking Ashton” I said harshly. See this is what I mean, I’m an asshole! Molly didn’t do anything but I just panic and yell at people.

I turned and stoped up stairs, I heard the door close as Luke and Molly left, because they hate me. Because they couldn’t stand to be near me

I went up to the room Ebony and I shared and just started crying. I’m such a fucking pussy!

The only thing I had, the only thing I needed just left with someone else because I’m too fucking insecure to let other people look at her. What do I have now? No one cares anymore, I don’t care anymore.

I got off the floor and went to the small box I keep in my bed side stand, razors.

Sure they don’t help in the long run, but it’s an escape. Even just until I pass out in my own exhausted tears, it stops my mind. It makes it all stop

***back to Ebony’s POV***

I fell asleep in Ashton’s warm embrace, concentrating on the steady beat of his heart. I felt so much more secure with Ashton; everything about him was just so calming and constant.


HEY IM ALIVE! and NOT deleting this fanfic!

I just wanna say, thank you to everyone who said nice things in the comments of my last chapter! I smiled like a reatard reading them! It means a lot honestly!

I am continuing this story bc apparently people like it? Im sorry for depressing-ness

sorry for not updating, im lazy and sad, Ive also started listening to Welcome To Night Vale and now i dont understand how i lived before it! If you listen to it comment your fav Cecil quote. And ive started and finished watching American Horror Story omfg its fab and im in love with Tate! I need to stop joining more fandoms

ps. my friends and i wrote some weird little stories in class (like REALLY weird sexual batman shit) and they want me to upload it to wattpad so if you're intested in reading the perverted thoughts of 4 teenaage girls let me know in the comments

You're all great and I love you! Comment and tell me the weirdest dreams you've ever had!

Bye xx

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