"I don't think he is alive," said Sarah, more to herself than to others. She shook her head. He is definitely not alive.

"What do you mean but it, Miss?" asked Chief.

"He is not the type to keep quiet after a murder, remember the last time he kept sending Josh messages."

"Excuse me."

All the head turned towards the voice. It was an Officer. "There is a message written in his car"


"Let's go and see it." The chief stood up and motioned everyone to follow him.

"To Detective Josh Lieutenant Steve?" Chief Kim read the writing

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"To Detective Josh Lieutenant Steve?" Chief Kim read the writing. "What does this mean?"

"We both were the one who questioned him last time," said Detective Josh. "But still... what does this mean. Where is Steve?"

"I messaged him, he is on the way." Replied Officer Jake.

"What do you think about this, Miss?" Chief Kim turned to Sarah, who have been observing the message.

She ran her finger over the writing.

"He had enough time to write and he knew it, instead of hiding fast he wrote this."

Detective Josh nodded, "the car appeared after a couple of minutes."

"He wrote this with his non-writing hand, looking at the odd angles."

"Or maybe he was too scared and shaky?" it was Lieutenant Steve.

"Maybe." Sarah turned to her brother and Lieutenant Steve. "It surely is a message for you both, he wanted to let you guys know something. It could be something related to the last time you both questioned him. "

She snapped a few pictures of the message with her phone.

"We will work on it the first thing tomorrow," said Chief, looking at his watch. "It's late, go home."


8 Years Earlier...

"Josh, honey, when are you getting home?"

"I will try to be home early, why?"

"There is a surprise," Amelia said in a sing a song voice.

"Ame baby, tell me now," said Josh faking a pout, earning a snicker from Lieutenant Steve.

"Nay, I will tell you once you get home." Her words were dancing through the phone.


"Don't eat with your friends; I am making your favourite dish."

"I am coming home now."

"No thanks, get back to work you lazy head."

Josh tried to whine, "Noo..." but she hung up on him.

"Ahem, ahem, someone is very romantic"

"Shut up Steve," said Detective Josh with a ridiculous smile on his face. "Maybe you should get a girlfriend."

"Or maybe not!"

"Haha, what he needs is a boyfriend, he doesn't have enough balls."

The whole office cracked up at Chief Kim's witty remark.

"And what you people need to do is concentrate on your work." Said Lieutenant Steve, standing up and pointing at each one of them.

He was always the butt of every joke. He kept the office alive.

"If there are 33 speeding tickets this year, by 2202 there will be none." He said sounding all serious.

"Huh?" Everyone was questioning his stupidity level.

"If they drive too fast, there will be accidents. And" he paused and looked everyone, cleared his throat, "if there are too many accidents everyone will be dead. Everyone dead is equal to no speeding tickets. See, I am the only smart one in this room."

Detective Josh snickered "says the one who had failed civil exam ten times. I wonder how much you payed each time." Groaned Detective Josh.

Lieutenant Steve rolled his eyes at Detective Josh, "romantic boy."


"Okay - okay - You got the CCTV footages? - well then ask around there if they had seen someone suspicious - okay - I will be there in 10 minutes."

"What is it about?" enquired Chief Kim.

"The fire incident, I am packing up. Salute romantic boy." He stood rigidly and saluted Detective Josh.

He shook his head at Lieutenant Steve's childishness.

"WHAT?" Chief Kim's eyes widened. He looked shocked. He stood up and motioned for Detective Josh, Officer Paul and Jake to follow him. "We are coming"

"What happened?" Officer Paul enquired.

Another murder, the body was found by a passer-by near the Park Avenue." Said Chief Kim, breathlessly.

A chill ran through them. The ride was silent. It was him. It was Dipper, again.

"Detective Anderson, I don't think-"

Detective Josh stopped in his track stunned. He was too shocked to move. He couldn't believe what he saw. The heavens have gone wrong. Was his mind playing games on him?

Noo. I cannot be. It is not true.

"Amelia" a faint whisper escaped his lips before he broke down.

A/N: I hope you all like it. Waiting for your feedbacks. If you like it please consider giving a vote. Pretty please? All feedbacks are welcom. 

--Vintage Love

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