"He better have a damn good fucking reason for this." I stated, my anger at Scar mounting with every mild inconvenience he's caused me thus far. Beast walked ahead of me as Cujo brought up the rear with Kreuger limping along beside to him. I watched in fascination as Beast scanned his thumb before gaining access to the building. Taking an elevator down to the basement, my heart jumped in my chest as the doors opened to absolute chaos. There were huge, scruffy men with tattooed bodies everywhere I looked. I absentmindedly leaned towards Cujo, who'd been one of the most hospitable to me the whole time, seeking safety.

"Move!" His deep voice boomed. People scattered here and there to get out of his way before he guided me through the crowd. I flushed while trying to avoid the probing gazes. This type of crowd was the furthest thing I was expected to see based on the outside appearance of the building. Entering a whole other room, people continued to move out of our way as we made it to the front of the arena that was set up in the center of the room.

"Where's the camera crew?" I asked as my eyebrows pulled down in confusion. The three of them laughed at me as if I'd said a joke.

"I don't think the feds would be too happy with us if we broadcasted something illegal." Krueger answered while shaking his head back and forth. The noise in the room grew even louder, rivaling that of a music concert.

"What the hell do you mean, illegal?" I asked, my heart in my throat.

"This is an illegal fight ring. Nicest one in the south. Real good fighter from back in the day made it big and bought the building. He renovated the basement for us so that it was nice and clean and soundproof. Place is private property, too, so the cops have to have a real good reason to trespass. There's a lot of good kids who make their living this way, so this place is a blessing." Beast explained.

"I swear on everything that is holy, I will never have sex with him again if his ass steps in that ring." I snarled. It made pretty fucking logical sense that he would be fighting being as they'd brought me here upon Scar's request and it was an illegal fight ring. All three guys cleared their throats awkwardly before shuffling around, avoiding eye contact with me. A few seconds later, the lights went out before two spot lights beamed on the ring in the center. An announcer of sorts came over the radio, riling up the already rowdy crowd before introducing both fighters. One of which just so happened to be Scar. I knew my face gave away how angry I was because the guys cringed away from me after glancing my way. Scar's opponent continued to showboat as the part of the crowd booed and the other cheered while Scar remained impassive the entire time.

The announcer signaled for the start of the fight and I watched as they bounced between on their feet. I was about to ask when things were going actually get interesting when Scar just...attacked. His opponent didn't even have a chance as he lunged at him and began throwing punch after punch at his face. His swings didn't stop even as the guy fell to his knees, his face so bloody I couldn't even make out his features anymore. I covered my mouth with my hand as he sent a couple powerful kicks to the guys ribs before finishing him off with one last powerful punch that knocked the guy out. He fell over against the cage floor, unmoving as I gawked at the scene before me.

Scar scanned the crowd before his eyes locked on Cujo and then me. Leaving the ring, he began making his way towards me, but I wanted nothing to do with him. I turned and slipped from between Cujo and beast before quickly trying to find my way back to the elevator. I stopped and turned as I found myself lost amongst the rowdy crowd. I cursed myself for not just going in a different direction as Scar caught up with me before roughly forcing me against the wall.

Why does this feel so similar to the first night we met?

"That, Evangeline, is exactly what will happen to whatever man you try getting close to. That's a fucking promise." He sneered in my face, causing me to shrink back. "Now, I have someone that I need to speak with. Stay here. I mean it." He ordered before releasing me and turning to walk off. The place had cleared out quickly as I assumed everyone went off to one of the many other rooms in the spacious basement. I clenched my teeth as my anger skyrocketed. I followed his retreating back before stopping as I saw who it was he was going to speak to.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now