Part 22: Goodbye or welcome back?

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Marcus-:" Please Skylar don't leave. We'll miss you."

Martinus-:" Yeah we got used to your presence. Aren't you going to miss us? Trofors?"

Skylar-:" Guys I have no choice. I really don't want to leave but what can I do? I need to pack."

Marcus-:" No you can't."

Skylar-:" And why?"

Marcus-:" Because I hid your clothes."

Skylar-:" Marcus this isn't a good time."

Martinus-:" No it is. Well done Marcus. Finally you used your brain."

Skylar-:" What other options do I have?"

Martinus-:" Well you do."

Skylar-:" What do you mean?"

This is it! Time to tell her about the surprise Marcus and I had prepared for her.

Martinus-:" Look Skylar, we need new dancers and you are really good. So do you want to sign a contract with us? You will stay with us, go on Tour and live your dreams."

Skylar-:" Martinus you are only saying this so I don't leave. It's not the truth!"

Marcus-:" No believe us. You are really amazing and we need you in our team. I swear we want you in because of your talent. And of course because we don't want to lose you."

Skylar-:" And what about Jenna? How am I going to dance with her? It's very obvious that she hates me."

Martinus-:" She doesn't matter. The important thing is you."

Skylar-:" I don't know what to say. This has always been my dream but I don't think i'm ready for this. I am only 15! I need to ask my parents."

Marcus-:" We thought about that. We called them and they are coming."

Suddenly we heard the doorbell. We ran and opened. It was really her parents.

I was so worried. I want them to accept so bad. I could hear my heartbeats. I know Skylar wants to stay with us but I also know that she wants to get back to her country and to continue her life as a normal teenager. I don't want to be in her position right now. I just hope she will choose Marcus and I.

Martinus-:" Miss and M.Morris, I want to tell you something very important. I just need you to know that your daughter is like a sister to both of us and we want the best for her. Our team needs new dancers and we thought of Skylar. We know she is an amazing dancer and her talent made my mind blows. Marcus and I don't want her to leave. We know you are coming back to the USA next week but please, can you let your daughter stay with us? Of course if she wants to, it's her decision. But please, she will stay in Norway and we will take care of her I swear. And about her school don't worry she can be homeschooled with us. If you accept you will make my brother and I so happy, and Skylar. Can you let her achieve her dream of being a professional dancer with her idols? ".

I was brave. She means everything to me and I need to try my best.

Everything was silent. Skylar was looking at Marcus and I and her dad was looking at her mom. Suddenly we heard Annie speaking:

Annie-:" Dad this is a big chance for Skylar. You need to accept. If you won't you will hurt her because it's her dream and you have always told us to follow our dreams, right?"

Skylar-:" Thanks Annie but I think.."

M.Morris-:" Look Skylar, we won't control your life but don't you think it's a big step? To leave everything behind?"

She didn't say anything. But Annie did.

Annie-:" Skylar believe me you need to accept this. It's your dream!"

Skylar-:" You're just saying this so you can take my room."

Annie-:" No I don't. Ok maybe but listen, i'm just being supportive like you. Follow your dreams Sky, follow your dreams. Plus we can talk whenever you want."

I looked at Skylar, she was confused I could feel it. Then she looked at me in the eyes and said:

Skylar-:" Dad, Mum, everyone needs to follow their dreams. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to persue them. The distance between my dreams and reality is called action. And I won't give up. My place is with the boys who kept believing in me. My place is with you Marcus and Martinus."

A tear burned my eye. I can't believe she chose us and let go of her life.
Marcus and I hugged her really tight.  We had even cried, but I know that these tears were tears of happiness.

M.Morris-:" if that is your dream, go after it girl."

Her parents accepted too? I couldn't be happier. The gunnarsens and the Morris' family all hugged. This is honestly the best day of our life.

Marcus-:" So Skylar are you ready for your new life?"

Skylar-:" I am."

Welcome back to our life Skylar, welcome back.

If only... (A Marcus And Martinus Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon