Chapter 2: a new group?

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I ran smack into him and fell on the ground, my knee bending in such a way it made me scream.

"Oh god, are you okay?" A boy asked me, I couldn't see his face because of the darkness, until another guy came around the corner with a flashlight. They were both really hot.

"I'm fine," I gasped in pain.

"No you aren't. Come on put your arm around my shoulder."

I did and quite voluntarily. He hoisted me up, while the other took my bag. There was a chair on a porch next to us, so they brought me over to it and say me down.

"I'm sorry I hurt you..." The boy I ran into said.

"It's fine, It was that way before."

"So... What's your name?" The other boy asked.

"Uh, Katie. Yours?"

"Well," he said pointing to the other one, "that's Cameron and I'm Jack."

"Ok, hi."

There was a pause, so silent you could've cut a knife through it.

"If you don't mind me asking... Why are you out here at this time of night?"

"I should ask you the same thing," I replied, a little feistily.

The two turned to each other, whispered things, and turned back. Cameron spoke up.

"Ok well look, it's not safe for any of us to be out here right now, so how about you come with us back to our camp, and we'll sort things out."

I hesitated for a second, not completely sure I should trust them. After all, they were big, strong, handsome guys... And who knows how long it's been since they've seen a girl?

"Okay. But try anything, and you'll get it" I said. They nodded.

"So you ready to go? Can you?" Cameron asked me thoughtfully.

"Yes I can walk myself, but thank you."

"Ok then, since we only have our guns, you want us to carry anything?" He asked, seeing my two bags.

"My duffel I guess, I've got my backpack." I said handing it to him. He took it and offered me his hand. I took it, and stood up. I flinched, and whimpered, the pain was progressing... But why?

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm... Fine."I said in pain.

"Okay... Well good thing is our camp is only a few blocks away," so if you can hang in there till then, we'll figure out what's wrong." Cameron said reassuring me, this boy wasn't Half bad, neither of them were.

"Cam," Jack said, "how do you think Adams gonna feel about you just inviting her in?"

"Well first," Cameron replied, "it's a girl, and second, who cares? We need more people if he even remotely wants to save civilization. And also, I don't care, cause she's hurt, and it'd be cruel to leave a girl out here alone."

"Thanks, but I've been alone till now and I'm just fine," I told them.

"Except your knee..." Jack said.

"Shut up," I said back.

"Okay guys, let's keep walking," Cameron said, trying to mediate.

We stopped talking and kept walking for a while, then we finally turned a corner, and Jack spoke up.

"Aye we're here. Thank god. Come on, we gotta go see a friend," he old me, an they walked ahead of me and into the building, leaving me outside. I stood there for a second, contemplating whether I Should go in, or leave right now, and stick to my original plan. But after all, Jack had carelessly taken my duffel in with him, so I at least Had to go back in to get that, if I was gonna leave at all. But after all this, I wanted a group after all, believe it or not.

I re-positioned my backpack on my shoulders, sighed, and went in.

The Fortunate OnesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora