12. Everly

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It's been a week here. Every day they inject me with more and more syringes saying it will "fix" my problem. The thing is, I don't have a problem. I tell them but they say I'm just in denial. I'm not! The only thing those syringes do is make me weaker. I don't understand why they would do such a thing.

I'm laying on my bed, any time I move my muscles ache. So I just don't bother to do anything. The door creeks open. "Hello Everly." Jason says. "H..hi." I whisper.

Jason strapped me down to the bed again but wheeled it out in to the corridor. I don't ask any questions, that's what could get me killed.

Finally after going through so many corridors, we enter a room I haven't seen before. Most likely because I haven't really explored the place.

Jason motioned towards the chair in the middle of the room. There was only one chair, and in front of the chair was a large window with students on the other side. "Students, here is our volunteer." Jason said as he was strapping me down to the chair. I didn't volunteer for anything! Jason pulled this contraption over my head. It looked like a mechanical hat.

"You are here today to study how much of an impact electrocution has on the human brain." What. "Do not worry, this is not enough to kill the patient." Cold sweat dripped from my forehead. "Now, let's begin!" Jason said then flipped the switch.

I felt one hundred jolts go through my body. It stung like five million bees buzzing you at once. One second I was filled with ounces of pain, the next second, everything went black.

Good work, someone whispered to Jason. I was finally regaining my consciousness. Along with my vision. I open my eyes. Squinting I could just barely see a young man standing in front of Jason. Who is that? My focus became more clear. It was Charles. Excuse my language. "You son of a bitch!" I shouted. Charles jumped back. "Where is Ethen!" I yell. "I ain't telling you, you psychopath!" Just as he finished his sentence Ethen trudges through the door. "Hey Everly." He says. I lay back down trying to ignore him. "Don't talk to me you ass." It hurt him but honestly I don't give a damn any more. Jason pushes Charles and Ethen out. "Okay guys that's enough for today, they'll see you tomorrow anyways." One of my eyebrows twitch. "What's tomorrow?" I ask. "Your trials." Jason smirked.

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