2. Everly

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Alarms started ringing through my head. There was something off about Ethen, something unsettling. Yes, I did just meet the guy and I really should give him a chance. But there's just something and I can't put my finger on it. I decided to just let it go for right now. We mosey along the hallways. Just talking, and basically introducing ourselves. He seems like a trustworthy guy, I don't understand why I feel so off putting about him. He's a straight A student that watches conspiracy theories and takes care of his dog. He might've talked for hours if I hadn't stopped him. We stare longly into each other's eyes. His acne really popped out at that moment. That's when it hit me, he's the boy I bumped into earlier! I froze in shock. "Is there something wrong" Ethan said as he glanced behind him. "I...I...I've seen you before." I said shaking. He looked at me as if I had 3 heads. "I... I ran into you earlier this morning! Outside!" He then paused for a moment. "Wait, you are the girl I caught falling?" My face brightened "Yes I was in a bit of a hurry, my bad." Ethan's smile gleamed. "Oh it's not a problem just be careful next time!" He snickered. "But how did you make it to school so fast? It took me another 10 minutes to get here from that corner!" "I just took a short cut. It's quite simple." He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "Here we go again, talking like you're from the 1800's" He smirked, "is that a bad thing?" "No, I guess not." I said as I skipped off to my locker. This guy actually isn't that bad I don't know what I was so worried about.

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