5. Everly

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"Ethen?" I ask. "Y..yes Ethen. He is not a trustworthy man." Is this guy being serious? "Wait how would you know? Who are you anyways?" I think this guy had a specific amount of time because he seemed to be rushing. "I can't tell you or I will be in deep trouble. I can only tell you this." He then pauses. "Well?!" I say growing impatient. "Sh please, I'm trying to hide so he won't find me." I lean in closer to my phone. "Who is he?" I ask the man. Right now I am scared beyond belief. "Don't worry about it." The man said. "Okay now what I want to tell you is stay away from Ethen." He just said that. "You literally just said that. Why should I believe you? You could be lying!" The man starts to breathe heavily in to the phone. Is he trying to hold his breath? "Because if you don't you will ----" He was cut off by another man who sounded strangely familiar. "Hey what are you doing down there!!" The man said. Then the phone call ended. What the hell was that? A prank? I call Ethen up to see if he is okay, (I also need some comforting.) I know I know, my gut is saying listen to the guy but I call him anyways. I call, no answer. I don't bother to leave a message so I just call again. Same thing, no answer. I decide to call one last time just for safe measures. Finally an answer. "Hello?" Ethen said. He sounded out of breath. "Hey, Ethen I just wanted to say ----" he cut me off mid sentence. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm busy right now, call later?" For the first time he didn't sound like he was from the 1800's. "Yeah okay sure." I say then he hangs up immediately. What was up with him?

The next morning I actually chose to watch TV while I ate breakfast. Biggest mistake ever. Breaking News: Axel Jones is reported missing. Didn't I meet that kid before I left school? Well I wouldn't say I "met" him. More like have him watch me scold how dumb Raven was acting. Where could he have gone? Last known whereabouts: Washington Avenue. That's where Ethen lives... Nah he wouldn't do that. Axel's bike found in front of the Johnson's driveway. That's Ethen's driveway. It's just a coincidence. Obviously.

When I walk into school I notice Raven and Nora standing by Axel's locker, crying. They must be taking this pretty hard. As I walk by Both Raven and Nora give me this glare look. What the? That was strange. What was even more strange was that Ethen didn't show up to school. He is probably sick. My mind is thinking physically sick like coughing, vomiting, sneezing, etc. But my gut is thinking mentally sick. A murder and stuff like that. Basically someone who belongs in an asylum.. forever.

Ethen didn't show up to school the next day, that was the least of my worries. What I was worried about was the glares that every single person in school gave me.

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