"Thanks for the help, this is.. mind blowing it's much appreciated." I smiled about to leave.

Just then he grabbed me and yanked me into his office while closing the door.

"What the fuc-". I was about to say but he forced his lips onto mine, kissing me and and feeling my breasts at the same time.

I fought back as best as I could without putting the baby in harm but it was no use since he held me from behind tightly.

"I've always wanted my way with you, and now I finally have the chance." He said unbuckling his belt and pulling his erected member out.

Tears brimmed my eyes, I can't believe this was happening to me but why? I was all types of confused.

"Gimme your hands." He spun me around, I didn't comply until I felt my cheek stinging that's when I realized he slapped me.

I stumbled a bit then held my hands out as he used his shirt tie to tie them together. He them roughly yanking the bottom half of my shrubs down. He then forced himself into me. The penetration sent pain throughout my body. After what felt like forever he finally got up.

"Get up and dry those fucking tears, are you trying to get me in trouble?". He yelled

I felt disgusted and used, a feeling I've never really experienced before and never wanted to experience again. I started to cry wishing that I could run but I wasn't going to risk anything or worst get killed.

"Stop fucking crying!, you better meet me here again tomorrow if not August' sentence increases and you'll be without child, understood?". He smiled.

I nodded wiping a tear that fell and limped out left the office, I was driving home when I just felt myself going into a daze, I felt dizzy and slowly my eyes closed and that's all I remembered.

Waking up in the hospital I noticed I was laying in the bed with a needle inserted in my arm and a bandage around my head.

I saw Chris , Vanessa and a my coworker Chantel in the chairs to the left of my bed. I was confused because I had no idea what had happened to me, I swear I was driving home.

The doctor suddenly appeared and his eyes lit up.

"Oh good your awake." He said enthusiastically.

"Uhm may I ask what happened?." I mumbled

"Well, to be totally honest, you've suffered bruising on your vaginal walls due to some sort of rough penetration; this type is of victims of rape usually have, internal bleeding that is what probably caused you to faint while around the wheel, which also unfortunately led to a head on collision which is why you have a broken leg and slightly bruised ribs, you've been sleeping for quite some time." He explained

"I-Is the baby okay?." I said frantically feeling my stomach.

"Uh yes the baby is fine but you have to reduce your stress if you want the baby to survive." He said pulling out a pen.

I nodded and sighed as he left. Chantel came up to me and hugged me, which resulted in my hissing from the pain.

"Girl, what the hell?! Don't ever do that again had me worrying my ass off!." She went on, I chuckled.

"I'm sorry and when I get out here we definitely have to hang out like old times." I smiled with the little strength I had.

Chantel and I have been friends for almost 7 years now and counting, she's always had my back through thick & thin, so when we both enrolled into university she decided that she would be registered neonatal nurse, where I decided to be a registered emergency room nurse as well. Though we work in two different departments we've still been best friends. She left a few minutes later leaving Vanessa and Chris.

"Kim, I was so worried oh my goodness! I don't have anyone but you so please be careful." She said blinking away tears and touching my shoulder, I nodded and hugged her slightly.

"So who's Antwan?." I said poking her side jokingly.

She began to grin slightly and shrugged. "Just some boy, not really important but he's okay I guess." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Mhm miss thang." I laughed.

"But hey I gotta run, I have some studying to catch up on, take care mama." She waved while leaving.

That's when my eyes locked with Chris' and I gulped as he approached my bedside.

He took my hand but I quickly got out of his grip, he had a sympathetic look on his ugly face.

"I'm sorry, Kimberly.. I'm schizophrenic and can't control myself at times please if you could look past this, I cannot lose my job." He said sighing

"I won't but I just want you to leave immediately!." I said replaying the events that took place.

He nodded and sighed while closing the door behind him.

I picked up my phone from the table that had my belongings and searched the city's foster care system, since she was in the system since birth.

"Hello?.. yes I was wondering if you had any information on Vanessa Hills' birth parents.. I'm her close friend... Okay great! I'll be there for the 18th... Alright okay goodbye". I hung up from speaking to the secretary.

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