15: Forgiveness ?

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No one's POV

Peridot was laying on her bed, looking depressed. Summer vacations were close. 'Thank god' she thought. 'Im tired of all this drama.' Shane suddenly knocked on the door.
"Peridot? Are you in there?" He said with compassion.
"Get... out."
He opened the door.
"I said. Get out."
Peridot didn't even sound mad.
Shane sighed and sat on her bed, putting his hand on her arm.
"Where did my lil happy peri of the dot go? I miss her..."
Peri couldn't take it. She busted out crying, silently.
"I'm so sorry about everything Peridot. I know it's hard. But it's just high school, soon you'll probably find another amazing girlfriend... it's been a week, you gotta get back to school anyways..."
"And what if i don't want to?" She said.
He sighed.
"And no, I will never find someone as amazing as Lapis."
He got up the bed.
"Go to sleep, it's getting late. Promise me you'll go to school tomorrow."
"Yes, Shane. I promise..." she calmly said.
"Thank you. I love you."
And he kissed her forehead.

Lapis's POV
I woke up as I loudly heard my alarm.
"Shitty alarm."
I got up my bed and got ready for school.
I went back to living with my mother, but we aren't even talking anymore.
I was searching my blue sweater in my closet, when suddenly, something fell on the floor. A polaroid picture?
I looked closer and saw that on the picture, it was Peridot and I.

 A polaroid picture? I looked closer and saw that on the picture, it was Peridot and I

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(Credit to artist : topomoru ! They gave me permission to use it)

"Oh... no.. peridot...what did i do."
I felt a tear on my cheek. I got dressed quickly and went to school.

In class, it was pretty loud. Since it's almost summer vacations, no one cares about school anymore. Not even Peridot... it's been a week she didn't come to school. I hope it's not because of our fight...
I was sitting on my usual place in biology class. I sighed at every pupils i was seeing arriving to class, hoping to see Peridot. Suddenly, a blonde with a dirty green sweater and big glasses entered.
She blushed and stopped when she saw me. She would usually love sitting next to me. Today, she sat next to no one. She had bags under her eyes and was constantly yawning. Is she sick ?
Our teacher entered the classroom. She looked excited for some reasons... probably about summer break.
"Good morning students !" Ms.Diamond said. "As you may know, Prom is arriving soon ! I hope everyone has someone to go with !"
That was it all about ?
A bunch of girls, including Toni and Marina ((a/n: aquamarine)), started laughing. They were staring at Peridot.
"Look at her ! Who is she gonna go to prom with, if she broke up with her girlfriend?" Marina evily said, pointing her finger on me.
They continued laughing as my face looked really mad.
"Honestly, they were gross anyways..." Toni laughed.
And they all busted out laughing.
I looked at Peridot. She looked very upset. Almost about to cry.
I stood up.
"Aw. Come. ON !"
Everyone was silently staring at me.
"How OLD are you? You're making Peridot upset! Just fuck off you... you...CLOD!" I screamed.
"Lapis!" The teacher yelled.
"Excuse me?" Marina stood and looked at me, aggressively taking my arm. It... hurts.
I looked at Peri who froze for a second, then ran out the classroom.
"Marina! Lapis! Toni! Peridot! Detention!" Ms. Diamond yelled.
I took my bag and peri's very quickly and went outside the classroom.
I heard my teacher screaming: Oh no you're not! So I ran faster. Arriving in the hallway, I sat on a bench, wondering where Peridot could be.
The bathroom ? She really does enjoy bathrooms... especially when she's upset... maybe she's trying to flush herself down the toilet or something.
I quicky went checking in the girl's toilets.
She wasn't here.
The locker room ? Something awkward happened here when we first met so probably not...
Where else could i check... the roof ? The music classroom ? The nursery? The library? The... broom cupboard?
Nah nah... this is pointless... she won't even wanna talk to me. But I need to apologize. I have to find her, I... i have to get ready for next period...
I went in the locker room, searching for my PE bag with my jumpsuit in it.
It was calm. Everyone was in class.
I suddenly heard sobbing. It came from the showers.

Peridot's POV
I was sitting on the locker room's floor.
I hope no one finds me there... argh what was i thinking going back to class after all this...
I suddenly heard footsteps. Holy smokes.
I put my hands on my mouth, trying to not breathe too loud through my tears.
A blue haired girl revealed her face. She looked worried and sad.
"Peridot ? Oh my god Peridot, are you okay ?" Lapis said.
I hid my face.
She took my hands to get them off my face.
"Lapis...i'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't even have come to school. It's all my fault, i know it and i'm sorry. I never wanted this, i never wanted to loose u, i love you, i love you and no one else!" I said, crying, surprised that all this came out of my mouth.
"Peridot! It's okay! I was a dick to not believe you, it's not your fault, okay? I promise! I shouldn't have let you down, i was stupid."
I looked in her deep blue eyes. It's been a while i haven't did it. I missed it.
"I'm sor-"
She took my cheeks in her hands and put her lips on mine.
"It's okay." She softly said. "I'm sorry too..."
We sat on the floor and hugged.
She took my hands.
"Will you be my amazing girlfriend again?" She asked, smiling.
We giggled.
"Of course, i will!"
Her hand, going through her hair, I suddenly saw a bruise on her arm.
I gently took her arm.

Lapis's POV
"Lapis! What's that?!" Peridot aggressively said.
"Oh.. hum, i guess it's Marina when sh-"
"That clod! Argh i hate her!"
I giggled.
"Peridot... calm down.. i'm okay."
Looking away, she had a mad look on her face.
I took her hands and picked her up.
"I love you." She said, still looking mad, booping my nose.
I smiled "I love you too."
"We should probably head back to class..." i said.
"Yea..." she laughed.

And everything went back to normal... what a great day to be alive !!

Sneak peak of the next chap... the last one :

 the last one :

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