Untitled Part 1

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                 THE ANIMAL PARTY

Owl and Elephant went to a party

Dressed in their best and looking quite artsy.

Ellie's appetite was often hearty.

Owl warned, " Don't be greedy at the party.

Don't stuff yourself with too many smarties

Since you know they always make you f----."

So poor Ellie ate only one smarty.

Owl was so aware of Ellie's loud f----

That he mingled with friends, stayed far apart.

He sampled all treats on the dessert cart,

His favorite being the wood mouse tart.

Ellie was lonely, befriended a crony.

It was the pony that loved his bologna,

The bony one that looked very homely

Whose first name just happened to be Tony.

Owl was impressing his new sweetie pie

Whom he'd spotted with his very keen eye.

She was sipping a drink of rum or rye.

Her wings had been clipped so she could not fly.

She admired the look of his mouse fur tie.

She commented how his movements were spry

As opposed to Ellie who stumbled by.

Ellie overheard and he began to cry.

Those tears were large that dripped down from his face

And they simply streamed all over the place.

Owl was ashamed and called him a disgrace.

He threatened him with his big can of mace.

Then he swung his trunk in order to dunk

Owl's head in the drink to force him  to think

And, before he even had time to wink,

He let out the most nauseating stink.

'Twas the odor of rotten, old, wood mouse

That penetrated the whole party house

And that's how the two friends began to fight,

Thus spoiling the party for all that night.

Never again were they asked to party

With those friends of theirs who were quite artsy.

They would need to learn how they must behave

Or they'd be sent back to the boring zoo cave.

A/N Dedicated to my poet friend, stripey (Steve).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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