chapter 8

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"so,have you really been taking your medicine ?"Tessa said as sat in front of me

"of course"

"you're lying"

"no I'm not"

"just stop already, and enough with your god damn denial Sophia,we both know that you're not taking it"


"just don't..ok,the doctor said that you should take it regularly so that it can block you from remembering what happened in the past,all of us are trying our best to help you and make you feel happy"

"So you're saying you are pitying me for my past ?trust me I'm also trying to forget the accident,it was tragic"

"I'm not pitying you,I'm just doing this for you and you only"

"i don't need you to care for my sake,i don't need anyone... I can live my own life happily without anybody's help,I've already got my part from knowing people and all of them was horrible"

"will you ever tell me what happened ?"

"i can't"

"fine then"she said as she took her phone and exited the room of the dorm

that was intense,she may be my best friend but my past is something personal for me,I'm just afraid of her reactin and she might change her way of thinking about me

I feel bad though,i can't have her be mad at me,I have to sort this out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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