Gloom and Doom

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  "Valkyrie hurry up!" I called up the stairs. "We still have to meet with Wreath to talk about runes and protections and other incredibly boring and dull death related issues......what joy...." I muttered my voice trailing off.  

Her laughter rang out. "Don't sound so happy about it, Skul. Someone will think that you are starting to like Wreath and runes and dead boring stuff," she sound as she bounced down the stairs and landed next to me. I tilted my head at her, aware that even though I wasn't wearing my disguise, she could still note the annoyance in my mannerisms. Valkyrie was grinning widely at me so the annoyance was dissipating even as I gruffly said, "Let's go." 

 We walked out of Gordon's house and got into my beautiful Bentley.  

"Skulduggery stop staring at the car like that." 

 "Why?" I asked getting in and starting the car. "Are you jealous?" I saw her face turn bright red and she said, "No. It is just plain creepy and unnatural." I clicked my features on and looked at with a raised eyebrow. 

"What about me is natural?" 

 She shook her head and dug out her cellphone. "I am calling Wreath to let him know we are running a little late." 

 "And while you are at it, tell him to stop being so damn optimistic. It wears me out." 

 I heard her laugh next to me and then say, "Hello Wreath. Yes I know we are twenty minutes late." "Uh huh." "I don't think I should tell him that." "Because Wreath he may kill you and we really do need you alive." I laughed silently to myself. So I had annoyed Wreath today. Check one thing off of today's to-do list. 

 She sighed loudly and hung up the phone.  "Wreath is very upset with you and wants to call you many things but for the sake of his life I have decided not to tell you. Instead I will tell you that he is going to wait for another ten minutes before leaving. So please hurry up." Her voice changed from the playful attitude to one scared of something. 

 I put my hand on her shoulder and said, "Valkyrie don't worry. We are going to find a way to help you control Darquesse."  

"I know," she replied her voice small. "I just don't want anything to happen. You know...the vision shows my parents getting hurt and stuff. And I don't want to hurt you. We have already seen how powerful Darquesse is."  She looked up at me and I felt a pain in my chest as I saw the fear in her eyes. "I already hurt you once. I don't want to again." 

 I pulled out of Gordon's driveway and said, "You won't hurt me. I won't let you. I will keep you safe Valkyrie. Just like I always have."  "And always will," I thought as a smile spread across her face and the fear seemed to vanish even if it was just for a moment from her eyes.


"You are late detective." I smiled and said, "Hiya Wreath ole boy. What's shakin'?" I felt Valkyrie stare at me as we walked up the the old abandoned mental hospital. "What?" I asked. "Never do that again," she whispered. "You are embarrassing." 

 "Pff I am never embarras......." 

I fell flat on my face in the dirt that made up the outside courtyard. I heard her laughing and jumped up, brushed the dirt off my coat and said, "I am never embarrassing. I am the epitome of gracefulness." 

 Valkyrie was double over laughing so hard. "Hey epitome of gracefulness. You have dirt on your face." She made her way over to me, wiping the tears out of her eyes and grabbed a napkin out of her jacket. She wiped my face off and I saw a tenderness in her eyes....something.... 

Wreath's voice broke through the moment. "If you two are done making a fool of yourselves, I would like to hurry up and get this over with. I have an appointment elsewhere." We turned to Wreath and walked over to him. He was standing in the doorway to the dark and gloomy hospital. 

 "Nice choice for a location," I said. "It's quiet and creepy. Just perfect for you Wreath." He held up a envelope and said, "I have the information you requested." "Great! Thank you so much Wreath," Valkyrie said, reaching for the envelope. 

 I looked at Wreath. "Hold on a minute Val," I said. "Something is not right." "What?" she asked, looking over at me. I narrowed my eyes and watched Wreath carefully. "We are not getting that for free are we?" I asked, gesturing to the envelope. 

 Wreath smiled ruefully. "I am afraid I need to know why you want this information. This envelope contains powerful information on binding spells and Necromancy magic. Who do you plan on binding?"  

So does anyone like this?  Just curious.

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