Pain and Rain

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I hung there, pain coursing through my bones. I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take. And I had taken a lot before. But this was different. This wasn't just pain and torture. This was betrayal and confusion mixed with a dying need to know why. 

 "Please," I whispered to the darkness in front of me. "I don't know what you want." 

 Searing agony was the darkness' reply. Something hot was burning into my arms that hung above my head. I had long ago given up trying to be strong and witty. Now screams gave away the pain that I was feeling. I could not hold it in any longer. After what seemed like an eternity of melting bones, the darkness relented and my screams stopped. Instead I was breathing hard even though I had no lungs with which to fill. Old human habits die hard. Silence filled the air around me and I could hear the sound of rain falling. I think I would miss that sound. That calm soothing rain drumming on the roof of our house. Watching her eyes widen at the chance to dance wildly in the rain. Laying next to her, hearing her breathing match the rhythm of the rain as she slept. Yes all of my random thoughts eventually lead back to her. Valkyrie. I needed to get out of here. 

 "Hey." The darkness felt tense, like it was not expecting me to still have the strength to talk. 

 "Look I know that we have been through alot tonight....more so me than you. However as much fun as this is, I have to get home. I have a beautiful wife at home waiting for me." A fist came flying from the darkness and hit me square across the jaw.  

"Don't you talk about her!" a voice snarled. "You don't get to talk about her." My body quaked from the blow and I really hoped I was not about to pass out. "What?" I asked. "What do you mean? How do you know my wife?" Another body aching punch, this time aimed at my ribs. I winced as I heard them crack and felt the searing pain race up my body.  

"You corrupted her! Turned her into a monster!!" I shook my head, noting how totally unwise the action was as my head throbbed in response. "What are you talking about? Valkyrie? She is not a monster."  The darkness raged with anger at my response. "Not a monster?! I saw what she did last summer! I was there!!! When she tore the city apart!!!" 

 Through the throbbing pain in my head, I could hear the sadness and despair in the voice. "That was an accident," I whispered. I could still clearly remember that summer. It would never leave me....

All rights to Derek Landy and Aerosmith

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