"Vivan if you throw one more tantrum. You'll have to drink it by yourself. I won't feed it to you!," Keya sternly said.

Vivan kept quiet and drank the soup from Keya.

"Whipped!," Varun teased and Keya smirked.

"Shut up!," Vivan told him.

Keya was eating her breakfast when Vivan spoke, "We have something for you Keya."

"For me? What is it?," she asked.

Varun brought the box and gave it to her, "Mom has sent this for you.."

Keya quickly finished her breakfast and took it. She opened the box and found some beautiful bangles inside. Absolutely stunning.

"Magnificent," she said taking them in her hands.

"They are your mother's," Vivan told her.

"What?," she could not believe it, "This is amazing! I don't know how to thank your mom for this. I feel so blessed."

"We'll give her a call later," Varun told her, "I'll click a picture and Whatsapp her right away though. Put them on."

"Let me," Vivan held her hand and took the bangles from her. Keya blushed as Vivan put slipped the bangles in her hands. Varun captured those moments too. Both Keya and Vivan had a romantic smile on their faces.

"Look here now," he said and Keya posed for him.

"You two look beautiful together," he said as he sent those pictures to his mother.

Keya admired the bangles and then kept them back into the box. Varun and Vivan told Keya about their mischiefs back home. Keya asked Varun about the Viagra prank and Varun tried to change the topic. Keya was enjoying it with the Rathod boys. She checked the phone and said, "There's a message from Krish. He and Simran would be here any moment."

"Oh.. So you didn't tell me. How are things with her?," Vivan asked.

Keya told them everything. Simran was quite okay with people knowing about her child. She wasn't ashamed of it and if she had to start a new life with new friends, she knew she had to do it with honesty. She had also told this to Keya owing to which Keya told it to the boys.

"That's really pathetic of the guy!," Varun was disgusted.

"I know. He shouldn't have made her do that," Keya agreed.

Vivan said, "That's right. But at least he didn't disown the child. He justified why he wanted time. Though Simran had a point."

Keya asked the boys, "What would you guys have done? I mean Simran's guy thought he couldn't take the responsibility because he still wanted to be independent. But what about you? You guys are rich and can surely afford a child, would you guys too take such a decision?,"

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