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The pink sky and orange clouds cleared up quicker than expected. The night came and many star patterns appeared, the moon had its turn to show itself. Cobalt, Sasha, Riki, and Briar left the area once night's cape covered up the day's light, it meant it is time for the four large animals to look around the camp.

Hawk leads quietly. "When we get there, stay quiet. I don't know what these guys do at a camp."

"Sure." Kri approved.

Griz stopped in her tracks. "Wait." She puts her snout in the air and inhaled a great scent "That smells good." She began running toward the fragrance, but Hawk wasn't letting her go that easy.

"Stop! Griz, there are campers!" She had no choice but to run up and jump on the bear's back. Both animals tumble a couple feet. "You're crazy." The wolf growls.

"Let me do my own thing! I have the right to--"

"Wait!" Shado hissed. "Look."

A light in the distance. An orange light being fed a meal by the visitors.

"We're already here." Kri breathed.


"I gotta use the bathroom!" Mikey yelled.

"Shut up! Animals will come for miles to eat you. Go in a bush or something." Casey said.

"I have to make a dookie..."

"Ugh. There's toilet paper in the truck." Leo points to the back of the vehicle.

While Michelangelo was taking care of business, Donnie gets comfortable on the log and smiled. "Anyone care for a horror story?"

"Ah, no, no. I'll stop you right there." April chuckles. "No spooky stories at this moment."

"Too late, April... it was dark, stars are out, just like tonight and two teenagers went camping together. They're a couple-- set up camp, had good times and tried to sleep through the first night, but they felt like they were being watched." Donnie grins.

"Who was watching?" Asked Leo.

"Hold on. The couple wake up frightened because the presence was very strong in the camp. The camp we are in right now. One of them checks it out, yet nothing was there. They go back to sleep... but a very bloody scream echoes through the night, one that haunted them."

April hugs Casey as Raph and Leo listen.

"Those screams made them curious... so they leave the tent. From out of the darkness, an obvious set of glowing yellow eyes, it sits in the tree. It's body filled their entire vision. It was a very--"


Hawk growls quietly when she saw Mikey doing something behind a bush, but she was focused on something more. "What are they talking about? I hardly understand this language."

"It's called English, Hawk. Sounds like a scary story." Shado shuffled near the wolf.

"It sits in the tree..." Donnie got eerie with his voice.

Kri and Griz had noticed that Michelangelo's was no longer behind the bush. Both, the tiger and bear look around the camp in hiding and see he's sneaking up behind April and Casey.

"It's body filled their entire vision..."

"What is this guy doing?" Shado asked.

"It was a very hungry... Sasquatch!"

Mikey shook April's shoulders and cries "BLAAHH!!"

April shrieks in Casey's grip and starts laughing when she sees its just Mikey. The friends cackle and try catching their breath as Hawk sneezes at the smell of--

"Gross... he made an explosion in the bushes."

Mikey sits down with tears in his eyes, but that isn't all he had. A plastic bag sits next to him when he chose his spot by Donnie.

"That's nasty." Leo comments.

"What? I'm not putting my poop in the earth. I'll find a garbage can tomorrow." Mikey says.

"So you're gonna sit right next to me... with that doo-doo?" Donnie plugs his nose looking at the bag. He can just feel the toxic fumes trying to escape that bag.

Raph let a face of disgust stick for a long time, trying to get the smell out of his nose.

"It's cold out..." Casey suggested. "But hey, it doesn't get any better than this. Chilling around a fire with your friends and brothers."

"Yeah, relaxing and enjoying each other's--" Donnie adds while scooting away from the bag.

Raph couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, Mikey. Y-You gotta-- You gotta bury that thing. Otherwise I'll vomit in your lap."

"Okay. I'll hang it from a tree so the bears don't get it." Mikey gets up with his poop bag and goes for the first tree he spotted.

"No, don't hang it from a tree!"

"Why, not?"

"'Cause bears don't eat crap!"

Griz snorted in the bushes and rolls her eyes at everyone's laughter in the camp. "Heh... very funny."


Hawk told her new friends to keep still in the brush until the turtle brothers and humans fell asleep in their tents. The fire was still burning with small bits of twigs and deas leaves, it dies slowly. The wolf sniffs the flat ground of dirt, she picks up the blue turtle's scent. "Leo."

Kri and Griz got the other smells.



And Shado. "Mikey. He's kind of funny."

"Even though they can't hear us, stay quiet. We make a noise, we're in trouble." Hawk said.

Kri's nose twitches when a bottle of sunscreen squirts from under her large paws. Griz's heavy breathing and great sense of smell guides her to a cooler on the picnic table, she managed to open it and get a mouth full of sandwiches. Shado leaps over objects lightly to prevent any loud noises. Her curiosity brings her to the truck the campers traveled in. Hawk smelled the tent Casey and April slept in, she feels something coming to her.

"Mom?" One image flashed in her mind and vanished completely. Answers are dripping to the wolf about how she got in a body of a powerful animal. Hawk's mother is not a wolf. She's a human.

Shado jumps in the back of the Tartaruga, her eyes caught flashing buttons, flickering screens, and plenty of food in the back. Raw, red meat in packages, it is the absolute smell of pig.

Kri's round, white tiger ears pinpoint Raphael's snoring which is close to the entrance of the tent he shared with his brothers. Her white and black striped face with emerald eyes meet Raph's fingertips that hung out of the tent.  The tiger's warm breath puffs lightly.

Griz ate most of what's in the cooler, but she missed something inside. While she tries to grab it with her tongue, her head swells against food box. "Uh, oh... Hawk." She groaned in pain. "My head is stuck."

"What?" The wolf runs to the table and nudges her muzzle on Griz. Hawk was getting ready to help, but someone was awake. Mikey crawls out of his tent half asleep for hearing a bang on the picnic table.

He yawns. "Guys, what's going on out he-- " the wolf and bear fully wake him up. "Leo!! MONSTERS!"

"Haul tail, Griz! Kri, Shado, back in the woods."

"I can't see!"

"I'll guide you. Go!" Hawk yelps.

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