hard choice (part 2)

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My friends didn't say but Zach did .Now I know why girls call boys jerk. My mom called I don't know what going on but she said something I thought I would never hear.

(Recap over)

My mom told me my dad never died he just left when I was a baby. I didn't know what to say I was shocked and upset. That for sixteen years of my life. I never heard nor saw my father.She said that I had a choice to make which was to leave with my father or stay with my mom. That wasn't a easy choice to make but a hard choice to make.I really want to meet my father. My mom and friends . So she gave some time to think about it and I still thinking about what m choice should be should I go with my dad or stay with my mom cause she been here for me but I want to meet my father so bad but should I? I should sleep on it.

Next morning
I woke up thinking about what to decide. To get my mind it it I went to hang out with Jacob. I mean beside Zach his the only friend left to hang out with so when I got there I knocked on the door and Jacob answered. We went to his room and we play his game and talk about school. I was enjoying my self alot so I decided to sleep over his house so we walked to my house to get my clothes and shoes. And went to his house when we got to his house watch a horror movies it was funny cause he scream at the pop up on the television. I laughed at him. So I tried to go to sleep but Jacob was shaking me  to stay awake but it did not work well. So I went to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up and I smell something good I go downstairs it see pancakes,bacon,eggs,grits, homemade orange juice, and sausage it was like heaven . We ate and went to school to spot Zach and the rest of the boys . I said great them. So I walked away and head to class. After first period I went to second period.after I finished lunch and went to my other classes and went home . I just sat on my bed and I listen to music. And was deciding whether I should call and pick a choice so I waited until next week to answer.So I went to sleep waited for next week.

Next week

I called my mom and told her that I want to stay with ..................

To be continued....


Mom I choice to stay with you the weeks and Dad for the weekends .

Sorry its not like most but I tried. I love y'all 😘😘😍😉😆

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