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When I was a young kid,
Grandma would tell me stories
Before I went to sleep..
Stories that somehow,
I treasured in my heart,
And in my soul I had kept.

Princes and Princesses
Carousels and Unicorns
Pixies and Fairies
Mermaids and treasure chests.
Genies and flying carpets,
Captain Hook and Peter Pan.

Now that I had grew up..

Whenever I heard the clanking sounds
Of life's clanging percussions
Whenever I felt the pain and agony
Of life's unending repercussions..
Whenever I saw myself in mere vacuity,
Of life's endless persecutions..

I would just close my eyes..
Let the tears flow like the river..
Breath deep and recollect..

That somehow..

When I was a young kid,
Grandma would tell me stories
Before I went to sleep..
Stories that somehow,
I treasured in my heart,
And in my soul I had kept

I suddenly remember my granny..
why, oh why? 😭😭😭🍭🍭🍭

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