Evening out (pt 2) {FIXED}

Start from the beginning

Now I think you finally understand why I told Serena to be at home in the first place and even told her to turn into a cat. There, I'm not a villain! It's because of the author that I turn into a villain.

This is also why I can stand Serena, because Lillie is like Serena be multiplied to 10

Anyway, while thinking, we reach the 20th floor, and as soon as we get in (or I get in)...

"ASHY! YOU'RE HERE!" Lillies runs to me, but I quickly use two fingers and push her forehead to keep a distance from us

"Uh... I'd like to submit my work, please" I hand my work to her, which she receives it but she even tries to touch my hand. Luckily, I stuff my hand in my other pocket, just to be safe

Then I see Lillie staring at something in my other pocket, which I quickly know she's staring at Serena, who's hiding inside my pocket, but I'm not sure if this time it's because she's pretending or not. But yeah, she's not gonna be jealous of a cat, right?

So I take her out and hold her with my own two hands

"This is my new... pet, Serena. I picked her up when I found her in a box" I tell Lillie but the look on her face doesn't look too... positive

"So... your new pet... and it's a girl, huh?" Lillie says coldly to me, and I can see Serena starts sweating from nervousness

"Well... I guess she'd be very delicious if we grilled her up, right?" Lillie says while rubbing Serena's head, which she sweats even more

Please don't tell me Lillie is also jealous of a cat, a... freakin... cat just because she's a female one, although she also has her human form

"As long as you remember Ash is mine, alright, little kitten?~" Lillie tells Serena, which she can't do anything but nod

Since when I became a couple with this yandere girl? I don't even have any feeling for her!

"Anyway, we... have to go now! Bye!" I stuff Serena in my pocket before her head gets cut off by Lillie and runs to the elevator, leaving the building and heading our first subway station


"What a terrible day for me!" Serena groans when she walks behind me, but I ignore that

"First I got stuffed into that stinky pocket of yours, then that stupid blonde scared me..."

How devastating, huh?

Anyway, since we're hungry, and I'm quite lazy to cook dinner at home, I guess we have to find somewhere to eat out

"Okay, what do you want to eat then?" I ask her, then her eyes are brightened like the lightbulb on her head get lightened up. She comes up with an idea

She runs outside the station and points at the McDonald's restaurant with stars in her eyes

I think I just obtained the psychic power thanks to the author, because judging from her face, I know exactly what she's thinking. I look around the station and sigh in loss. I guess I don't have any other choice

We enter the restaurant and choose a table to sit in. Looking at how exciting Serena is, I know what she's thinking. 'I'm gonna choose a hamburger as slow as possible so I can take a good look at that cute employee's face!' That's what I think she has in her mind

"Hello. Can we take your orders?" An employee asks us, but it's not the "cute boy" Serena's thinking. I take a look at her, who has a mad expression

After I give my order, the employee asks Serena about hers

"Just give me this, please" She points at the one in the menu. Well that order was... fast

While we're waiting for our food, Serena just keeps banging her head on the table

"Why... can't... I... meet... HIM!?" The last word of her question ends with her bangs her head as hard as she can, leaving a small crack on the table

Remember when I said Lillie was creepier than her? Well... I think they're even, now

When our food arrives, I'm shocked to see who brings them. It's... the employee, the reason why Serena chose this place!

I take a quick look at Serena, whose eyes are now filled with stars and satisfaction. Oh god no...

"And this is your food, Ms-"

"SERENA GABENA YVONNE! 16 YEARS OLD!" Serena says while shaking his hand, causing him to smile nervously. Well, who wouldn't?

As soon as he leaves our sights, she starts fangirling silently

"Best... day... ever!" Serena says. Look who just changed her mind?

"Look at this hamburger's box! I can see his fingerprints on it!" (Serena says)

"Okay, that's enough! Just eat it already!" (Ash)


"That's the best meal I've ever had!" (Serena)

"Is it because you had the chance to meet him face to face, and ALSO you even tried to flirt him!?" I ask her, but she doesn't do anything but sniffing the hamburger box

"Haah... the smell of his hand's perfume is still on it..." (Serena)

More like the smell of stinky crusts and paper, which I have to smell it like every single day.

"I'm gonna smell this box and cuddle it every times I sleep..." She says while cuddling the box

I have to put that restaurant in my blacklist! That thing totally brainwashed her and made her look like an idiot!

We get home at night, and as soon as I get in and put my stuffs on the bed, I walk in the living room and see Serena sleeping on the couch... while hugging the hamburger's box

I won't be surprised if someday she declares that box as her boyfriend. If that so, we will have lots of things to say

But anyway, I think she's already tired after that long trip, so i put a blanket on her and brush my teeth, walk in my bedroom and begin to sleep

By the way, I haven't seen Serena brushed her teeth or even gone in the bathroom for a shower. I don't know why but still, I guess I'll ask her about that... soon

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