Night Adventures.

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"Goodbye Tyler."

My eyes shot open.
My heart was racing and there was a thin layer of sweat blanketing my forehead while beads of sweat fell down my face. I looked all around my room. My eyes were tricking me. I saw figures all around my room that when I stared at them longer I realized it was just a chair or a jacket hung up.

I reached over for my phone.

12:56 pm
With a text notification?

Unknown: Lets meet at 1:30 am at the park with the giant oak tree.

I don't know who texted me. Why were they meeting so late?

Maybe its Y/N. Man I hope so. I think im in love with her. Theres like a void in my heary after I left. I need to go. Luckily I know which exact park they are talking about. It only a 10 minute walk away.

I decided to change out of my clothes and wear a grey sweater with black jeans and black vans. I sneakily opened my door and I forgot it creaked. I looked around and all the lights were off. That's perfect. I slowly tip toed to the front door and unlocked it. I opened it and slipped out and quickly shut it. I locked it with the key that was under the mat. I don't know how I managed to remember that small detail. Anyways I started my walk there and I noticed how scary but calming the outside world is at night. The street lights taunted me but the trees comforted me.

Soon I arrived right there in the park. By the big oak tree was a figure. Two of them actually. A man and a woman I assumed. As I got closer to the figures I noticed one of them was wearing the orange jumpsuit one was just wearing black jeans and hoodie.

It started to rain.
It was getting really cold.

"Long time no see." One of the figures said.

I froze. That voice. It was Y/N.

"Y/N..." I spoke slowly.

The other figure butted in.

"Yeah and im Josh."

"Im Tyler. You may have known that but- uh can someone explain whats going on right now?"

"Lets just go have fun."

The rest of the night was a blur. I can only remember little fragments.

I do remember that we were on a bridge. I was standing on the rails.

"Aren't you scared? Walking around on the rail that is at least 70 feet above water?" Josh huffed, taking a drag from a cigarette we were all sharing.

I put my arms out and slowly took another step.

"After everything, if I somehow slipped and fell into the water i'd be okay with it. Im not scared of death. Its a normal thing. I don't even feel as if we are alive. Maybe just a simulation or something unexplainable like that."

"You are very morbid." Y/N admitted.

I don't disagree with her.

"I guess." I huffed.

After that I woke up in my bed.

I smelt breakfast. I hurried up to the kitchen. My family was gathered around the table.

"Tyler grab a seat. We all need to have a talk."

A/N: im so sorry for no updates. Im with my family and I never have time to write.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now