chapter 29: the one with open waters(part2)

Start from the beginning

"Great just great, but she could ask me right...and she didn't text me back or called me back. And did you see what she did there! Calling me wolf in sheep's clothing! What the hell was that. She didn't even come to talk." He nearly yelled.

"So did she do anything else before when she saw Sheikha and you together and you spoke to her etc. What did she do. She believed you. So I'm thinking is that you better speak to her and clear things off." Suhaila countered

"No! She just jumped and assumed everything and I need to give her the taste of her own medicine." Hamdan spoke in anger.

" You know what, you are being stupid and you are 30. I'ma sleep. Byeee."

No one's p.o.v

I didn't sleep and went to pray outside in the cold open. Which strangely warmed me. I never missed my prayers be it anywhere.

The sunrise was beautiful.
I went over to the deck and I could feel the gentle breeze slip my scarf down as the yacht was slowed down to a fishing ground. The water scared me as I had terrible flashbacks of me drowning.

I could hear people footsteps as they went to the back entrance and started fishing. I knew he was there and wanted to avoid him so I went to the kitchen where the chefs were prepping for breakfast. I ask if I could have a glass of water and they hand me one.

As I downed the drink I saw from the tiny kitchen window that Hamdan and Suhaila come out of his cabin. I almost spat the water back. What the hell was that. It couldn't be true...I see Suhaila turn back to see me and she turned to Hamdan said something to him to which he turned to her and planted that God forsaken lips on that twat....ugh please let it be a lie. Please I pleaded to myself I see his hand lower to her almost non existing butt and pull her up as she wrapped those tentacles she calls legs around his waist and they went back to the room. No no no this can't be happening.

I head towards his door praying to not be what im scared to imagine. I hear moans and groans.

At that moment something shattered inside of me. I didn't know what it was.

I was contemplating wether to knock on the door or not, but I am a lady a classy boss ass bitch. I will not let this man take me down even if I have to go through with this. I will show that this crap what they are doing can't get to me. And if this is a lie then whatever this is between us is done for good.

I wipe the single tear that managed to get out of my control. I straighten myself fix my scarf. Count to 3, put on a fake smile and walk ahead to the end of the boat where everyone gathered.

As I entered the group I hear, "oh here goes the plain Jane peasant. " Remarked Maryam. That didn't even hit the target. I smiled and wished them Salam.

"Oh interesting shirt. Now wonder where all that fat went." Sheikha commented and that hit bullseye. I was always consious about my weight and would feel inferior. Although I should love my self the way I am etc. I know that very well. But sometimes when you are having a bad day comments like this makes it worse. But I just smiled and said, "I guess different people have different priorities."

With that I go take a seat and open up an old copy of Pride and Prejudice. I could bitch slap these petty girls anytime I want...but I have manners, and they are my hosts. They invited me here or more like 'HE' invited me here.

I look up to see where my homegirls at only to see Hamdan and Suhaila walk in. She , Maryam and Sheikha walk over to me and sits next to me. Sheikha keeping her leg on the table and Hamdan preparing for fishing on other side of the table.

" My eye hurts looking at your face don't deserve to sit with us...your place is right down there." She said whilst kicking my bag off the table to the ground. This comment really hurt me. Normally things like these don't even hit my outer shell. But like I said bad day going worse. You get the flow. Hamdan notices this and he stops what he was doing, but does nothing and carries on what he was doing.

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