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This is a draft. I'm not yet done with this chapter. I feel like i should post something, so here you guy's go. :) If you like how this is going So far, let me know!

Kylie begins to gain a crush on Grumpy. She shows him around her tiny home, giving him cheese and crackers and they snack together for a bit, conversing about their lives. Grumpy goes first, he explains how everyone in his group annoys him a lot, but he seriously loves and cares for them, and he tells her that he needs to head back to save them from the wretched Shapeshifter. Kylie thinks this is all a big joke a first, but once he says Shapeshifter, she gasps in shock, and becomes quiet. She knows who he is. Then is Kylie's turn. She tells Grumpy that she's quite lonely, and she never gets to see anyone. Grumpy is a little shocked. There is awkward silence after that, and after a beat, they finish scarfing their food and Grumpy stand up, ready to head out.

"Well, I live in Jollywood with all my pals. We call ourselves the 7D!" He exclaimed, a little too proudly.

Kylie wheezed at this, a grin churning on her face. "The 7D?" She sniggered once more. "That's silly!!"

Grumpy grimaced a bit, although he understood she was completely joking. "Yeah, well, Doc chose the name. You really can't argue with Doc. In fact- you can't really argue with anyone on my team."

"So what, is Doc the Smarty-Farty one?" Kylie asked in a goofy way. She was truly intrigued with Grumpy's life, but she tried not to show it too much.

Grumpy nodded. "Yup, he's the "Smarty-Farty" one." Grumpy added air quotes when mentioning the creative nickname Kylie gave him. "Then there's Sneezy, and if you try arguing with him, he'll sneeze ya to another planet! Then there's Sleepy, who'd rather sleep than talk to anyone." Grumpy chuckled halfheartedly as he continued describing all his friends. He slowly realized how much he missed everyone. "Then there's Dopey. Dopey speaks in whistles. The only one who can translate him is Doc! So there is no way I could argue with him. And Bashful, who surprisingly for a shy guy has gotten in a couple arguments with me- and other people of course. And then there's...-"

There was a pause. Grumpy's sentence was cut short, Kylie kept staring at Grumpy for a bit too long. She blinked a few times, his paralyzed state distracted her. "And then there's who exactly?"

Grumpy didn't change expression, his mouth barely fluttered to mutter the word.


"Happy and Grumpy... hehe... those are opposites!"

Grumpy raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah... takes a real genius to analyze that... doesn't it."

"Why'd you pause when you said his name? Seems like you're hiding something..." Kyle pointed out.

Grumpy shook his head a little too quickly. "Oh, no no no. I mean, I miss him, obviously, but I miss all of them equally. Happy and I constantly argue. And right after, I feel terrible for everything I say to him. It's like in the moment I'm able to blurt out all kinds of rude, terrible remarks to him, and then once our argument ends, I think about what I said and guilt just collapses ontop of me. But I can't apologize to him. I'm too much of a coward to apologize to him."

Kyle tries to cheer him up. "I don't think you're a coward."

Grumpy tries to smile. "You know, Kyle, you kinda remind me of him most. Friendly, happy-go-lucky, you're all the things I like most about Happy. I mean, I have just met you, so I'm sure there's more to you, but so far you just make me want to go back to see Happy again."

Kyle smiled. "I hope that's a good thing."

Grumpy chuckled. "Of course it is! I need to go back to him. I need to apologize for all I've done. And this time, I will make it up to him."

"Aww. It sounds like you really care for him."

Grumpy blushed. "S-shut up." He crossed his arms grumpily. There was a short pause before Grumpy continued with, "Welll... Do you have a family? Friends? Anyone to talk to?"

Kyle straightened her back when hearing this, her eyes widened a bit before glanced towards the wood floor. She rubbed her hand on her am, fishing for words in silence.

"I used to." She finally responded. "Not anymore."

Grumpy was takenaback by how somber her mood had become. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. It seems... personal."

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