Chapter Twelve: New Connections

Start from the beginning

Brushing aside everything I pick out some clothes and get ready to go outside and face everyone.

Everything will go amazing outside, stop worrying. Brynn chimes up, sensing my sudden doubt as I stand pacing in front of the window, looking down and my people and Aaron's.

"What if they don't accept me as his mate? I mean we both know how Madison feels about us, I highly doubt she's the only one."

Who cares about Madison? As long as you're happy that's all that should matter to you.

Her words put me at ease slightly, then a whole new bubble of stress popped. "Oh my god. He's the King."

I know! What a snag.

"That is not what I mean and you know it. Do you know what that means for us? We are his Luna, and now instead of just watching over one pack, I watch over hundreds. I'm sure plenty of those Alphas want me dead."

Aaron would not let any harm come to us and you know it. We are safe with him. If the goddess did not see you fit for this or him, she wouldn't have paired you two. Besides, we have plenty other things to worry about right now. Let's focus on the now.

I sigh, rubbing my hand gently over his mark. Brynn was right. I had more important things to deal with at the moment.

Holding my head high and going before I change my mind, I make my way outside.

Stepping outside, a strong gust of wind blows by, Aaron's scent in it. However looking around, I don't see him anywhere in sight. It's because our bond is stronger. Brynn chirps in. Looking up, I see the sky is becoming a dark gray, rain was coming which meant not a lot would be accomplished outside.

Across from me in the distance I spot Micheal and Elliot talking to each other, a grim look on their faces. As I approach, they halt their conversation.

Both pairs of eyes snap to my neck. Micheal smiles while Elliot bows his head at me.

"Woah no need for that, Elliot." I tell him, laughing nervously.

"Sorry, Luna." He says as he moves his gaze up to my eyes.

"There's no need to call me that either. Just treat me the same way you have been since I've been here. This doesn't need to be the main event occurring right now."

He nods and Micheal, realizing my discomfort, changes the topic. "We just found out more three more packs along the east coast have been attacked."

"How many missing?" I question, the happy feeling from this morning has vanished.

"None. They killed everyone. Apparently they even cut off the Alpha and Luna's heads before putting them on a stake." He says grimly.

My eyes widen as my heart is pounding against my rib cage. Things were becoming worse every day in this war. Aaron was right, we couldn't sit around waiting for another attack. It was time this ended.

"Why would they do that? What happened to people being taken?"

He shakes his head. "We don't know why. It's like they have everything they need. All the packs that were attacked were small packs still forming.

"They're weeding out the weak before they go bigger. They're trying to cease the werewolf breed." Elliot replies.

The wheels were turning in my mind as I try and develop a way to attack this issue.

"Everything okay, Rayna?" Elliot asks upon seeing the look I'm sure is on my face.

"How much room is left in your housing?"

Elliot looks confused at this. "Enough for two hundred, maybe less. Why?"

Micheal, seeming to pick up on what I'm thinking, answers for me. "Enough for the rest of our men and woman?"

"I believe so, yes. It may be a little crowded but I'm sure we could make the necessary room. Let me go talk to Aaron about this." Elliot answers even though he still seems unsure of what is happening. Looking between Micheal and I once more he leaves to go find Aaron.

"What are you planning?" Micheal raises an eyebrow at me.

We would need every possible hand and mind working on this. If we were going to attack I was determined to make sure we would succeed.

"Catch up with Elliot and see if we are able to put together a meeting by tonight. Meanwhile, I have a phone call to make."

Word Count: 1470
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Oh my god, an update! I'm so so so sorry it's taken so long to get one ready for you guys. I know this is short but an update felt way overdue.

Who do you think she's going to call?
Do you guys think they'll win?

Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving and spend it with your family and friends!♥️

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