Chapter 25

Start from the beginning

Each of the four tubes are filled completely with the clear, life-preserving liquid. Different wiring, machinery, and tubing were hooked up and connected to each and every one of them—supporting and sustaining whatever kind of life form that maybe trapped inside. Vigilantly approaching the reinforced chambers, I took a closer look at one of them, seeing what kind of creature was confined within the massive cage of refined glass.

It was some kind of large monstrous reptilian. Clearly not human. I couldn't see what its eyes looked like. Since they were closed, and it appeared to be in a state of cryogenic stasis. The creature was overall enormous in size, and in muscle mass. It had immense sharp claws on both of its tremendous hands and feet.

Thick green scales covering every inch and corner of its body. The structure of its legs resembled much to the one of a frog or toad. The creature's gargantuan neck surrounded its much smaller head, and it's mouth is filled with lots of sharp pointy teeth. Near the top of the chamber—engraved on small metal rectangular plaque stuck to the surface of the glass—was the name of the creature that was standing right in front of me:


'This must be another one of Umbrella's creations, another one of their monsters' off their long list of bio organic weapons,' I assumed.

As I continued staring at the reptilian-like creature, myself being filled with great curiosity, I thought I heard something. Like something moving right up above me. Tyler tapped me by my shoulder—motioning me to look up. I gaze up at the air duct above—seeing it barely rustling. 'There's something in the ducts. I don't know if it's another person, maybe a Tricell or H.C.F. operative, or even a B.O.W. for all I know. In any case, we still must be prepared if it decides to show its face in here.'

Quietly, we quickly hurried over towards the desk closest to us. Kneeling down beside it. Hiding behind it while switching out our secondary weapons for both of our handguns.

Taking a quick peek over the desk at the duct, the thing began traveling farther down it—towards a vent—a possible exit for it. Tyler saw this too. Using his hand, he motioned us to move forward—to get closer towards the opening in the duct.

Catching on to his idea, I easily oblige and heedfully creep forward—traveling from desk to desk with Tyler following right behind me. Once we get enough close, we stop behind another desk, preparing ourselves in case this thing decides to hop down.

Piers's POV

I didn't want to leave Chris, but I had to. He was right, Laura and Tyler could be in trouble right now and I'm only one who could help them. He didn't want anything bad happening to them—especially to Laura—ever since Claire went missing.

As I continued crawling through the dark air duct, I see a vent just up ahead. Small rays of light poking through the lines of diagonal openings on the bottom of it. I pick up my pace as soon as I laid my eyes on the vent. 'I have to find Laura and Tyler, and soon.' The clock was ticking, and time was starting to run out for us.

When I reached the vent, I set my rifle down beside it—taking a look through it while deciding what to do. From what I could see, it looked like another laboratory. Similar, yet different than the first one I went into.

As I was going through my options, I knew that couldn't keep crawling through here in the dark forever. Right now, my main priority is to find Laura and Tyler, and time was among the essence.

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