Imagine for @HalloHelloHola

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Sophie's POV
I am a pediatric dentist while my husband, Harry, is a general dentist. We are both 28 and we have two kids Mati and Vicky who are 3. We both thought it would be great for them to get their first check up so right now I was driving to the clinic they both of us work in. "Mommy, where are we going?"Vicky asks. "We're going to see daddy."I say and she nods. I park in the parking lot and I help them to get out.

Mati's POV
As we were going to visit daddy at his job, I trip over a stick and I hear a cracking sound. "Should I tell mommy and daddy?"I think to myself.

Sophie's POV
We all got inside to see Harry and Anne waiting for us. "Hey."He says. "Hey."I say back. "Daddy!"Mati and Vicky scream running over to him and giving him a hug. "Hey guys, you ready to get your teeth checked?"He asks and they nod. "Who wants to go first."He asks. "Me."Vicky says and he nods. Mati stays in the waiting room with Anne while the three of us go into a exam room. Harry helps Vicky onto the chair and puts a bib around her neck. "You ready?"He asks and she nods. I put on a pair of gloves and I place my mask on. . "Mommy is going to check your teeth and then I'll re check them."He says and she nods. I sit on a stool and I tilts the chair back. "Open wide."I say and she obeys. I take the mirror and explorer and I place them into her tiny mouth. Her teeth were perfectly healthy. I take the tools out and she closes her mouth. "Wow your teeth are healthy."I say. "I'm going to get daddy ok?"I say and she nods. I go out of the room and I find Harry in a different room cleaning up. "Her teeth are healthy."I say and he nods. We go back into the room and I take off the robber gloves and the mask that was on my chin. "I'm just going to make sure that mommy here isn't lying."Harry says placing on rubber gloves. I glare at him and they giggle. "I'm just joking."He says and I nod. He sits on the stool and asks her to open. As she opens her mouth, he grabs the new tools and places them into her mouth. "Wow your teeth are really white."He says taking the tools out of her mouth. He tilts the chair up and takes the bib off and throws it out. He high fives her and I help her to Anne. I bring Mati back and I help in sit in the chair. Harry places a new tray of tools onto the tray and I put a clean pair of gloves on. I also place a new mask on and I sit down on the stool while Harry sits in the corner. "Open."I say and he obeys. I grab the new mirror and explorer and I place them into his mouth. Mati had two cracked teeth. I motion Harry into the hallway and he nods. We go into the hallway and my facial expression softens. "Is something wrong?"He asks. "Mati has two cracked teeth."I say and he nods going back into the room. I take the gloves and mask off and Harry puts new ones on. I sit down in a chair that was in the corner and Harry sits on the stool. "Open."He says and Mati obeys. He places the tools inside of his mouth and his facial expression softens too. He comes over to me and he sighs. "I need to extract them."He whispers and I nod. He goes over to the cupboards and pulls out a tray of extracting tools. I sit down next to Mati and so grab onto his hand. As Mati sees the tools he cries. "Mati what's Wrong?"Harry asks noticing his tears. "Needle."He says pointing to the needle. "What about it?"I ask. "It's going to make an ouchie."He says. "No it won't, it's going to make the ouchie go away."Harry says. Harry sits back onto the stool and grabs a q-tip that had topical gel on it. "I'm just going to place this onto your teeth."Harry says and Mati nods. "Open."He says and Mati obeys. Harry places the gel onto Mati's cracked teeth and left it there for a few minutes. *A few minutes later* "Open."Harry says and Mati obeys again. Harry takes the q-tip out and grabs the syringe. As he grabbed it Mati started to cry more. It hurt me to see my little in this much pain. "Mati, it's alright."I say and he nods. As Harry puts the syringe into Mati's mouth,Mati kept flinching. He winces and more tears flow down his cheeks. "It's alright, I'm almost done."Harry says. Harry takes the syringe out and more tears flow down Mati's rose cheeks. It broke my heart even more to see him like this. *A few more minutes go by*

*Third person point of view*
Harry was able to extract both of Mati's teeth while Sophie was still heart-broken inside from having to watch her baby boy in pain. Once they were done, they grabbed Vicky from Anne and went home. As they got home, they all cuddled in bed and watched movies like a normal family. Sophie and Harry couldn't be happier.


Another Imagine!?! I hope you enjoyed. Probably going to post another one soon so stay tuned. Always smile and have a great night or day depends on your time. Well cya soon!!

-Amber K. 💜

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