Imagine for @1DLoveImagines5sos

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Vanessa's POV
I can't believe that I'm actually on tour with One Direction. Since my brother Josh Devine is the drummer I got to go on tour with them. I'm even surprised my parents would let me go. The worst part is that my mouth has been hurting and all of the boys are dentists. Right now I'm in my bunk with a ice pack on my cheek. "Hey Vane-" Josh stops his sentence when he sees the ice pack. "Is everything alright?" He asks walking over to me and sitting on my bunk. "Yea, why do you ask?" I ask. "Well your holding an ice pack up to your cheek." He says removing the ice pack from my hands. "I'm fine." I say stern. "Vanessa you can tell me if something's wrong." He says crossing his arms. "I have toothache." I say fast. "Why didn't you tell one of us, we can help you." He says and I shrug. "I don't like the dentist." I say as tears are threatening to spill. "On a scale from 1-10 what is the pain?" He asks. "I would say a 15." I say. "NIALL?!" Josh screams. "Yea?" You can hear Niall ask. "Can you come here for a minute, I'm in Vanessa's bunk?" He asks. "Sure I'll be right there." The room was silent in till a shuffle of feet was heard. "What's the problem?" Niall asks as he walks into the bunks. "Vanessa has a toothache and she said the pain was at 15." Josh says looking at Niall. "Do you want to go to the dentist area of the medical bus so I can check your tooth?" Niall asks looking at me and I nod. "Ok I'll go get the others." He says leaving the room. "Josh, I'm scared." I say shaking. "Vanessa I'll be next to you the whole time." Josh says and I nod following him out of my bunk. We walk into the medical bus and we head to the dentist section where Niall and the others were waiting. "Hey Vanessa, I hear you had a toothache." Louis says motioning me to sit in the chair. I sit in the chair and Niall puts a bib around my neck. "So Vanessa, are you ready?" Niall asks tilting the chair back. I nod. "Can you open for me?" Niall asks and I open my mouth. "Great job Vanessa." Josh says from the side of me. Niall starts tapping each of my teeth with his explorer in till he got to my sore tooth. As the metal touch my tooth, I yelped and closed my mouth. "Well Vanessa, it seems like you have a small cavity that I can fill and you need braces." He says and I start to cry. "Vanessa, It's ok everyone gets cavities." Harry says out of nowhere. "Yea right your only saying that to cheer me up." I say hugging my knees. "I'm serious Vanessa everyone does." He says again. "Have you ever had any cavities?" I ask and he sighs. "Well I haven't but it doesn't mean nobody else gets cavities." He says guilt in his eyes. "I've had 2 cavities before." Louis says coming behind me. Liam comes over to Niall and he helps to prepare the tools. "We'll hold your hand if you want?" Harry asks and I nod. Harry sits on one side of me while Louis sits on the other. They slips their hands in mine and I sigh. "What's wrong?" Harry asks looking at me. "I just don't want a filling or braces." I say sighing again. "Vanessa, your only going to have braces for a year and three months." Niall says putting the tools on the tray with the others. "I still don't want braces but if I need them, I can't complain." I say trying to not look at the tools on the tray. "Vanessa stop looking at them it's going make it worse." Harry says putting his finger under my chin so I'll look at him. "I know but It's hard." I say moving his finger. "Ok Vanessa are you ready to begins the filling?" Niall asks and I shake my head. "NO!" I scream. "Please Vanessa we're only trying to make you healthy." Liam says. "I said NO!" I say as tears fall down my face. "Vanessa please I don't want to see my little sister in pain." Josh says rubbing my hand. "Please don't make me do this." I say as more tears fall down my cheeks. "I'm sorry Vanessa but you need to." They all say at once. After a minute of thinking I finally decided that I would get my filling and braces. "Niall, I think I'm ready." I say and he stands there in shock. "You sure?" He asks and I nod. He then grabs a syringe and asks me to open. I obey and I open my mouth. Niall quickly inserts the needle into the tissue of my gums. "Almost done." He says. After a couple more seconds he takes the needle out. "Let's wait and then I'll start the filling." He says and I nod. *A couple minutes later* It's been a couple minutes and my mouth is numb. "Niall my mouth is numb." I say as I drool a little. I wipe the spit as fast as I could. "It's normal Vanessa." Harry says looking at me and I nod. "Ok Vanessa all we have to do is fill in your cavity and apply your braces." He says and we nod. "Is this going to hurt?" I ask. "No Vanessa We would never hurt you on purpose." He says.  "I know, I'm sorry." I say. "Princess there's nothing to be sorry about." He says. In my head, I was squealing because he normally doesn't call me by princess. Right there and now I had a crush on the Niall Horan. "Open." Niall instructed. I obeyed and Opened my mouth. He grabbed the drill and started to drill out my cavity. Since it was small he didn't have to drill a lot so right he was putting the filling in. "Almost done." He said as he grabbed a blue light that assuming is to dry it. He places the light near the filling and the filling dried really quick. "Done!" Niall says as he takes the light out. "You ready for braces?" He asks. "Harry want to do her braces?" He asks Harry. "If that's alright with Vanessa?" He asks and I nod. "Then yes." He says as soon he sees me nod. "Ok." Me and Niall both say. "Ready?" Harry asks me as he swaps places with Niall. "I guess." I say shy. "Vanessa I won't you I promise." He says rubbing my cheek. "Ok?" I say as I move his hand. "Do you not like me?" He asks with looking at me. "I like you but just know I just got a filling." I say. "Oh I'm sorry." He says sadness in his eyes. "Let's just do my braces, I'm tired!" I scream. "I'm sorry Vanessa." He says putting on gloves. "It's not your fault it's mine, I was rude." I say.  "You just got a filling so your going to be a bit rude." He says. "Ok?" I say. He then tilts the chair back again and asks me to open. I obey and I open my mouth. He puts a cheek expander in and they laugh. Tears spill of my eyes because they are laughing to hard. "Oh we're sorry." They say and I roll my eyes. Harry then applies the bracket glue and places the wires on. He then applies the brackets and the rubber bands. "Almost done." He says. He then grabs the blue light again and starts to dry the glue. *After drying* After everything was placed on and dried, Harry takes out the cheek expander and tilts the chair up. "Oww." I say as I close my mouth. They laugh and I glance at them. "Sorry." They say again. "Thank you for taking care of me." I say. "Niall can I talk to you in private?" I ask and he nods. We go into my bunk and we sit down. "So what's up?" He asks. "This is going to sound weird but I have a crush on you." I say and he smiles. "Vanessa I'm surprised because I've had a crush on you since I first saw you." He says and we both smile. "I love you." I say to him. "I love you more." He says and I kiss him on the cheek. "Wanna go tease Harry and cuddle?" He asks and I nod. Me and Niall skip to Harry's bunk and we find him reading a book. "Hey Haz!" Me and Niall say. "Hey, is there a problem?" He asks. We shake our head. "Me and Niall are officially boyfriend and girlfriend so we're going to go cuddle." I say. He makes a pouty face. "Hazza, I always cuddle with you." I say and he nods. "You two go have fun." He says and we giggle heading towards his bunk where we cuddle for the night.


A/N:Hey guys this is my  imagine for 1DLoveImagines5sos  I hope you enjoyed! This was kind of crappy but it came out ok. See you guys in my next Imagine. I'm also going to be starting a new book about me and my crush at school. See you later!

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